Master Lists

Direct access to the entire IOC World Bird List Google Sheet is available here: BOW Link

We Update the IOC list twice a year (starting Jan 2018) with advances in the taxonomy of world birds. Significant Updates  are noted under “Comments” that include References.  Final edits included in red font file.

XLSX spreadsheets only will replace XLS spreadsheets starting with v8.1 (Jan 2018). Please be aware that some browsers (i.e. Edge) do not download these spreadsheets.  Chrome is the most reliable.

The web pages of  the Master List are currently subdivided primarily by Order(s) and by sets of related families for Passeriformes. Please use the the BOW tab to get to the appropriate page, and then use the Find tool on your browser to locate a particular species on a page, as needed. 




*  The 9.1 version of Multilingual IOC includes for the first time Ukrainian bird names from Фесенко, Г. В. 2018. Вітчизняна номенклатура птахів світу. Видавець ФО-П Чернявський Д. О. („Діонат”), Кривий Ріг, 1–580.  in English: Fesenko, H. V. 2018. The Ukrainian Nomenclature of the Birds of the World. Publisher FO-P Cherniavsky D. O. (“Dionat”), Kryvyi Rih, 1–580. With thanks to author Hennadiy Fesenko and also to Willem-Pier Vellinga and Iurii Strus for mediation. And updated names from Norsk navnekomité for fugl (NNKF), 2017. Norske navn på verdens fugler.  and also regularly updated names from:

China Bird Report Editors, 2016. The CBR Checklist of Birds of China v6.0 (2018).
Vercruijsse, P., 2018: Vogelnamenlijst IOC V23.
Mielczarek, P. & Kuziemko, M., 2018: Kompletna lista ptaków świata. Wersja: 2018-12-02.
Lagerqvist, M. & Jirle, E., Tk. Officiella listan över svenska namn på alla världens fågelarter - oktober 2018. Version 8.
  • Life List+ (v8.2, Excel File XLSX, 3.7Mb)
  • Master list (v8.2, Excel file XLSX, 1.7Mb)
  • Multilingual Version (v8.2, Excel file XLSX, 6.1Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 8.2 with other world lists (XLSX, 6.0Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 8.2 with Clements 2018  (XLSX, 1.35Mb) (Dave Sargeant)
  • Updates Highlighted in red font in a draft copy of the 8.2 Life List+ spreadsheet.
  • Life List+ (v8.1, Excel File XLSX, 3.7Mb)
  • Master list (v8.1, Excel file XLSX, 1.6Mb)
  • Multilingual Version (v8.1, Excel file XLSX, 6.0Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 8.1 with other world lists (XLSX, 6.0Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 8.1 with Clements 2017  (XLSX, 1.85Mb) (Dave Sargeant)
  • Updates Highlighted in red font in a draft copy of the 8.1 Life List+ spreadsheet.
  • Life List+ (v7.3, Excel File XLS, 8.6Mb)
  • Life List+ (v7.3, Excel File XLSX, 3.9Mb)
  • Master list (v7.3, Excel file XLS, 4.3Mb)
  • Master list (v7.3, Excel file XLSX, 1.7Mb)
  • Multilingual Version (v7.3, Excel file XLSX, 6.0Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.3 with other world lists (XLSX, 6.2Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.3 with Clements 2017 (zip, 944kb) (Dave Sargeant)
  • Life List+ (v7.2, Excel File XLS, 8.6Mb)
  • Life List+ (v7.2, Excel File XLSX, 3.9Mb)
  • Master list (v7.2, Excel file XLS, 4.3Mb)
  • Master list (v7.2, Excel file XLSX, 1.6Mb)
  • Multilingual Version (v7.2, Excel file XLSX, 5.9Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.2 with other world lists (XLSX, 7.0Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.2 with Clements 2016 (XLS, 5.5Mb) (Dave Sargeant)
  • Life List+ (v7.1, Excel File XLS, 8.6Mb, with filters and counts)
  • Life List+ (v7.1, Excel File XLSX, 3.9Mb, with filters and counts)
  • Master list (v7.1, Excel file XLS, 4.7Mb)
  • Master list (v7.1, Excel file XLSX, 1.7Mb)
  • Multilingual Version (v7.1, Excel file XLSX, 6.1Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.1 with other world lists (XLSX, 7.3Mb)
  • Comparison of IOC 7.1 with Clements 2016 (XLS, 3.8Mb) (Dave Sargeant)

FILTERS:  The  Life List+ format includes filters that allow users to exclude subspecies, or extinct taxa, and various combinations of these contents, if so desired.  Thanks to Peter Kovalik for creating this package. To vary the taxonomic ranks displayed, click on the black button in cell B1 (Rank).  To exclude subspecies, for example, scroll down the lower list and click "ssp".  Press "ok" if needed. The check mark will disappear and the spreadsheet will recompose without subspecies. To return to the full spreadsheet, click  "clear filter" at the bottom right of the filter display. To exclude extinct taxa, click on the black button in cell C1, and then on the little cross () in the lower list.   To display only extinct taxa, click  instead on "blank".