Taxonomic Updates

AL Accepted lump
AS Accepted split
ENG English name change
EXT Extinct taxon
NEW Newly described taxon
PHY Phylogenetic issue
PL Proposed lump
PS Proposed split
SEQ Modification in linear sequence
SSP Subspecies issue
TAX Taxonomic or nomenclatural issue

This page tracks revisions of species taxonomy and nomenclature including genera and families. Revisions of subspecies taxonomy and nomenclature are posted separately on Updates/Subspecies.

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 15.1 (DRAFT)

Previous Lists English Name(s)

Updated List (v 15.1)

Code Reference
Family Rallidae

Rails, Crakes & Coots


Revise genera and linear sequence of species within Pardirallini and Laterallini of Rallidae based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses (Depino et al. 2023).

Rufirallus castaneiceps

Chestnut-headed Crake

Anurolimnas castaneiceps


Chestnut-headed Crake was formerly assigned to Anurolimnas. Subsequently treated as congeneric with Russet-crowned Crake, formerly assigned to Laterallus. Rufirallus has priority as the generic name for this clade (Dickinson & Remsen 2013; HBW; Garcia-R et al. 2020). Restored (15.1) to the monotypic genus Anurolimnas based on multilocus (mtDNA + nucDNA) phylogenetic analyses (Depino et al. 2023).

Laterallus xenopterus, Laterallus leucopyrrhus, Laterallus fasciatus

Rufous-faced Crake, Red-and-white Crake, Black-banded Crake

Rufirallus xenopterus, Rufirallus leucopyrrhus, Rufirallus fasciatus


Move these three species from Laterallus to Rufirallus based on multilocus (mtDNA + nucDNA) phylogenetic analyses (Depino et al. 2023).

Micropygia schomburgkii

Rufirallus schomburgkii

Ocellated Crake


Ocellated Crake was formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Micropygia Bonaparte, 1856, but it is assigned to Rufirallus based on multilocus (mtDNA + nucDNA) phylogenetic analysis (Depino et al. 2023).

Coturnicops notatus

Speckled Rail

Laterallus notatus


Move Speckled Rail from Coturnicops to Laterallus based on  multilocus (mtDNA + nucDNA) phylogenetic analyses which demonstrates its basal position within the L. jamaicensis clade (Depino et al. 2023).

Family Accipitridae

Kites, Hawks, Eagles


Linear sequence of taxa within Accipitridae is revised (IOC 15.1) to reflect the comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Catanach et al. (2024).

Dryotriorchis spectabilis

Congo Serpent Eagle

Circaetus spectabilis
Restore Congo Serpent Eagle to Circaetus from Dryotriorchis to resolve the paraphyly demonstrated in Lerner & Mindell (2005) and the more recent UCE phylogenetic analysis of Catanach et al. (2024).




Sequence of genera and species withn Ramphastidae is revised to align with the phylogenomic analysis of Ostrow et al. 2023.

Trachyphonus goffinii, Trachyphonus purpuratus

Western Yellow-billed Barbet, Eastern Yellow-billed Barbet

Trachylaemus goffinii, Trachylaemus purpuratus


Move the yellow-billed barbets from Trachyphonus to Trachylaemus based on differences in habitat and plumage supported by mtDNA divergence (Dickinson & Remsen 2013; Moyle 2004; HBW/BirdLife).

Family Tityridae


Family Oxyruncidae


Split monotypic family Oxyruncidae from Tityridae (SACC 134).

Family Tityridae

Royal Flycatchers and allies

Family Onychorhynchidae


Split family Onychorhynchidae (including Onychorhynchus, Myiobius, and Terenotriccus) from Tityridae based on phylogenetic analyses (Ohlson et al. 2008; Tello et al. 2009; Chesser et al. 2018; SACC 827).



Revise sequence of taxa within Edolisoma following Clements (2024).

Cercotrichas coryphoeus, Cercotrichas signata, Cercotrichas leucosticta, Cercotrichas quadrivirgata, Cercotrichasbarbata

Karoo Scrub Robin, Brown Scrub Robin, Forest Scrub Robin, Bearded Scrub Robin, Miombo Scrub Robin

Tychaedon coryphoeus, Tychaedon signata, Tychaedon leucosticta, Tychaedon quadrivirgata, Tychaedon barbata


Reassign five species of scrub robin from Cercotrichas to the resurrected genus Tychaedon based on phylogenetic analyses which show Cercotrichas to be paraphyletic as previously conceived (Sangster et al. 2010; Voelker et al. 2014; del Hoyo & Collar 2016; Zhao et al. 2023)

Bradornis boehmi

Böhm's Flycatcher

Myopornis boehmi


Myopornis Reichenow, 1901 is resurrected as a monotypic genus for Böhm's Flycatcher which forms a sister branch to resurrected Artomyias. Together these comprise a sister clade to Bradornis in the molecular phylogeny of Muscicapini (Voelker et al. 2016). Myopornis and Artomyias are treated as separate genera based on genetic distance supported by differences in morphology, ecology and behaviour (HBW/BirdLife 2024).

Bradornis ussheri, Bradornis fuliginosus

Ussher's Flycatcher, Sooty Flycatcher

Artomyias ussheri, Artomyias fuliginosa


Artomyias Verreaux, J & Verreaux, É, 1855 is resurrected for Ussher's and Sooty Flycatchers which form a sister branch to resurrected Myopornis. Myopornis and Artomyias are treated as separate genera based on genetic distance supported by differences in morphology, ecology and behaviour. Together these comprise a sister clade to Bradornis in the molecular phylogeny of Muscicapini (Voelker et al. 2016). Aligns with HBW/BirdLife (2024). Note gender.

Olive-backed Flowerpecker

Prionochilus olivaceus

Pachyglossa olivacea


Olive-backed Flowerpecker Prionochilus olivaceus is moved from Prionochilus to the resurrected genus Pachyglossa as Pachyglossa olivacea based on phylogenetic analysis (Fjeldså et al. 2020; WGAC 1197). Note gender. 

Whiskered Flowerpecker, Yellow-vented Flowerpecker, Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker, Legge's Flowerpecker, Brown-backed Flowerpecker, Thick-billed Flowerpecker

Dicaeum proprium, Dicaeum chrysorrheum, Dicaeum melanozanthum, Dicaeum vincens, Dicaeum everetti, Dicaeum agile

Pachyglossa propria, Pachyglossa chrysorrhea, Pachyglossa melanozantha, Pachyglossa vincens, Pachyglossa everetti, Pachyglossa agilis


Whiskered Flowerpecker, Yellow-vented Flowerpecker, Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker, Legge's Flowerpecker, Brown-backed Flowerpecker, Thick-billed Flowerpecker are moved from Dicaeum to the resurrected genus Pachyglossa based on phylogenetic analysis (Saucier et al. 2019; Fjeldså et al. 2020; WGAC 1197). Note gender.

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 14.2

Previous Lists English Name(s)

Updated List (v 14.2)

Code Reference

Apteryx haastii

Great Spotted Kiwi

Apteryx maxima


Change specific epithet of Great Spotted Kiwi from A. haastii Potts, 1872 to resurrected A. maxima Sclater, PL & Hochstetter, 1861, The syntypes of Apteryx haastii are hybrids between  A. rowi and A. owenii (Shepherd et al. 2021).  A. maxima was made a nomen oblitum relative to A. haastii by Palma et al. (2003). But the current Code allows for using a nomen oblitum when it ceases be treated as a synonym of its nomen protectum.

Amazilia boucardi

Mangrove Hummingbird

Chrysuronia boucardi


Recent phylogenetic analysis reveals that Mangrove Hummingbird is embedded in Chrysuronia in which it is most closely related to similarly mangrove-dwelling C. coeruleogularis (Albertazzi et al. 2024). Move from Amazilia to Chrysuronia (Chesser et al. 2024). 

Chrysococcyx megarhynchus, Chrysococcyx basalis, Chrysococcyx osculans, Chrysococcyx ruficollis, Chrysococcyx lucidus, Chrysococcyx meyerii, Chrysococcyx minutillus

Long-billed Cuckoo, Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo, Black-eared Cuckoo, Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo, Shining Bronze Cuckoo, White-eared Bronze Cuckoo, Little Bronze Cuckoo

Chalcites megarhynchus, Chalcites basalis, Chalcites osculans, Chalcites ruficollis, Chalcites lucidus, Chalcites meyerii, Chalcites minutillus

Move the Australasian cuckoos formerly attributed to Chrysococcyx to Chalcites based on differences in morphology (osteological divergence, minimal sexual dimorphism, differences in adult and juvenile plumages) supported by biogeographic separation and mtDNA phylogeny (Sorenson & Payne 2005; Dickinson & Remsen 2013, HBW/BLI). 

Cacomantis pallidus

Pallid Cuckoo

Heteroscenes pallidus


Transfer Pallid Cuckoo from Cacomantis to the monotypic genus Heteroscenes based on differences in morphology, sexual dimorphism and behavior (HBW/BirdLife; WGAC 1037).

Cacomantis leucolophus

White-crowned Cuckoo

Caliechthrus leucolophus


Transfer White-crowned Cuckoo from Cacomantis to the monotypic genus Caliechthrus based on striking differences in morphology vocalizations and behavior (HBW/BirdLife; WGAC 1037).

Leucocarbo bougainvillii

Guanay Cormorant

Leucocarbo bougainvilliorum


Emend specific epithet from bougainvillii to bougainvilliorum following Dickinson & Remsen (2013) and Elliott (2020). Aligns with other major world bird lists.

Ixobrychus Botaurus TAX, PHY
mtDNA and UCE genetic studies reveal that Ixobrychus is not monophyletc but is rather paraphyletic relative to Botaurus (Päckert et al. 2014; Hruska et al. 2023). Merge Ixobrychus and its ten species into Botaurus (Chesser et al. 2024).

Bubulcus ibis, Bubulcus coromandus 

Western Cattle Egret, Eastern Cattle Egret

Ardea ibis, Ardea coromanda


Phylogenetic analysis based on UCE elements reveals that Bubulcus is embedded in Ardea (Hruska et al. 2023). Move Western and Eastern Cattle Egret from Bubulcus to Ardea (Chesser et al. 2024) . Note gender.

Accipiter trivirgatus, Accipiter griseiceps

Crested Goshawk, Sulawesi Goshawk

Lophospiza trivirgata, Lophospiza griseiceps


Lophospiza Kaup, 1844 is resurrected as a genus to resolve the non-monophyly in the genus Accipiter demonstrated in phylogenetic analyzes (Lerner & Mindell 2005; Mindell et al. 2018) following Sangster et al. (2021); Catanach et al. (2024). 

Accipiter toussenelii, Accipiter tachiro,  Accipiter castanilius

Red-chested Goshawk, African Goshawk, Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk

Aerospiza toussenelii, Aerospiza tachiro, Aerospiza castanilius


Aerospiza Roberts, 1922 is resurrected as a genus to resolve the non-monophyly in the genus Accipiter demonstrated in phylogenetic analyzes (Lerner & Mindell 2005; Mindell et al. 2018) following Catanach et al. (2024).

Accipiter badius, Accipiter butleri, Accipiter brevipes, Accipiter soloensis, Accipiter francesiae, Accipiter trinotatus, Accipiter novaehollandiae, Accipiter hiogaster, Accipiter fasciatus,  Accipiter melanochlamys, Accipiter albogularis, Accipiter haplochrous, Accipiter rufitorques, Accipiter  henicogrammus, Accipiter luteoschistaceus, Accipiter imitator, Accipiter poliocephalus, Accipiter princeps, Accipiter erythropus, Accipiter minullus, Accipiter gularis, Accipiter virgatus, Accipiter nanus, Accipiter erythrauchen, Accipiter cirrocephalus, Accipiter brachyurus, Accipiter rhodogaster

Shikra, Nicobar Sparrowhawk, Levant Sparrowhawk, Chinese Sparrowhawk, Frances's Sparrowhawk, Spot-tailed Sparrowhawk, Grey Goshawk, Variable Goshawk, Brown Goshawk, Black-mantled Goshawk, Pied Goshawk, White-bellied Goshawk, Fiji Goshawk, Moluccan Goshawk, Slaty-mantled Goshawk, Imitator Goshawk, Grey-headed Goshawk, New Britain Goshawk, Red-thighed Sparrowhawk,  Little Sparrowhawk, Japanese Sparrowhawk, Besra, Dwarf Sparrowhawk, Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk, Collared Sparrowhawk, New Britain Sparrowhawk, Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk

Tachyspiza badia, Tachyspiza butleri, Tachyspiza brevipes, Tachyspiza soloensis, Tachyspiza francesiae, Tachyspiza trinotata, Tachyspiza novaehollandiae, Tachyspiza hiogaster, Tachyspiza fasciata, Tachyspiza melanochlamys, Tachyspiza albogularis, Tachyspiza haplochroa, Tachyspiza rufitorques, Tachyspiza henicogramma, Tachyspiza luteoschistacea, Tachyspiza imitator, Tachyspiza poliocephala, Tachyspiza princeps, Tachyspiza erythropus, Tachyspiza minulla, Tachyspiza gularis, Tachyspiza virgata, Tachyspiza nanus, Tachyspiza erythrauchen, Tachyspiza cirrocephala, Tachyspiza brachyura, Tachyspiza rhodogaster


Tachyspiza Kaup 1844 is resurrected as a genus to resolve the non-monophyly in the genus Accipiter demonstrated in phylogenetic analyzes (Lerner & Mindell 2005; Mindell et al. 2018) following Catanach et al. (2024).

Accipiter cooperii,  Accipiter gundlachi, Accipiter bicolor, Accipiter chilensis, Accipiter melanoleucus, Accipiter henstii, Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter atricapillus, Accipiter meyerianus 

Cooper's Hawk, Gundlach's Hawk, Bicolored Hawk, Chilean Hawk, Black Sparrowhawk, Henst's Goshawk, Eurasian Goshawk, American Goshawk, Meyer's Goshawk

Astur cooperii, Astur gundlachi, Astur bicolor, Astur chilensis, Astur melanoleucus, Astur henstii, Astur gentilis, Astur atricapillus, Astur meyerianus 


Astur Lacépède, 1799 is resurrected as a genus to resolve the non-monophyly in the genus Accipiter demonstrated in phylogenetic analyzes (Lerner & Mindell 2005; Mindell et al. 2018) following Sangster et al. (2012); Catanach et al. (2024).

Strigops habroptila


Strigops habroptilus


Change the specific epithet of Kakapo from the adjectival form habroptila to the noun form habroptilus. The specific epithet is a compound noun, not an adjective as previously surmised (Savage & Digby. 2023. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 80).

Philydor fuscipenne, Philydor erythrocercum

Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner, Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner

Neophilydor fuscipenne, Neophilydor erythrocercum


Gen. nov.: Neophilydor Sangster, Harvey, Gaudin & Claramunt, 2023. Neophilydor is described to resolve the polyphyly of Philydor that is demonstrated in phylogenetic analyses (Derryberry et al. 2011; Harvey et al. 2020; SACC 991).

Phyllomyias burmeisteri, Phyllomyias zeledoni

Rough-legged Tyrannulet, White-fronted Tyrannulet

Acrochordopus burmeisteri, Acrochordopus zeledoni


Acrochordopus is resurrected for two species formerly included in Phyllomyias but which differ from that genus by deep genetic divergence, morphology, and by vocalizations (Harvey et al 2020; SACC 962; Chesser et al. 2024).

Phyllomyias nigrocapillus, Phyllomyias cinereiceps, Phyllomyias uropygialis

Black-capped Tyrannulet, Ashy-headed Tyrannulet, Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet

Tyranniscus nigrocapillus, Tyranniscus cinereiceps, Tyranniscus uropygialis


Tyranniscus is resurrected for three species formerly placed in Phyllomyias but which differ from that genus by deep genetic divergence and by vocalizations (Harvey et al 2020; SACC 962).

Coracina macei/javensis

Indian Cuckooshrike, Oriental Cuckooshrike

Coracina macei, Coracina javensis


Based on morphology and vocalizations Coracina macei is reconfigured to include just two taxa within the Indian Subcontinent as Indian Cuckooshrike. Javan Cuckooshrike Coracina javensis is merged with five subspecies taxa formerly included in C. macei to form a reconfigured Coracina javensis with the English name Oriental Cuckooshrike (WGAC 1088). Note that javensis (Horsfield, 1821) has priority over the other subspecies taxa in the reconfigured species.

Edolisoma parvulum

Halmahera Cuckooshrike

Coracina parvula


Genome wide DNA data reveal that Halmahera Cuckooshrike is embedded in Coracina (McCullough et al. 2022). Move from Edolisoma to Coracina. Note gender.

Pachycephala fulvotincta

Rusty-breasted Whistler

Pachycephala calliope


Change scientific name of Rusty-breasted Whistler from Pachycephala fulvotincta Wallace, 1864 to Pachycephala calliope Bonaparte, 1850 with the transfer of ssp. calliope from Yellow-throated Whistler on the basis of priority. 

Cyanocorax SEQ

Cyanocorax is revised to include species formerly attributed to Calocitta and Psilorhinus to resolve the paraphyly of Cyanocorax relative to the other two genera that is revealed in phylogenetic analyses (Bonaccorso et al. 2010; McCullough et al. 2022). See Chesser et al. (2024). Revise sequence to follow molecular phylogeny.

 Calocitta colliei, Calocitta formosa

Black-throated Magpie-Jay, White-throated Magpie-Jay

Cyanocorax colliei, Cyanocorax formosus


The two magpie-jays were formerly attributed to the genus Calocitta, but that genus is subsumed into Cyanocorax to resolve paraphyly of the latter (Bonaccorso et al. 2010; McCullough et al. 2022; Chesser et al. 2024). Note gender.

Psilorhinus morio

Brown Jay

Cyanocorax  morio


Brown Jay was formerly attributed to the mojotypic genus Psilorhinus, but that genus is subsumed into Cyanocorax to resolve paraphyly of the latter (Bonaccorso et al. 2010; McCullough et al. 2022; Chesser et al. 2024). 


Lophorinas TAX

Restore the tradiional classficaton of the species within Lophorina following Elliott et al. (2020, 2022) who argue that the neotypification of Irestedt et al. (2017), formerly followed, is neither required nor justified and, as such, the revised nomenclature of the Lophorina complex should be rejected in favour of traditional usage (WGAC 876).

Lophorina superba latipennis

Greater Lophorina

Lophorina latipennis


Restore Lophorina latipennis as a full species with the restoration of the more traditional classfication of the genus Lophorina.

Poecilodryas brachyura

Black-chinned Robin

Leucophantes brachyurus


Move Black-chinned Robin from Poecilodryas to the resurrected genus Leucophantes based on unpublished mtDNA analysis by L Raty used on Genbank material deposited by KA Jønsson in 2022 which reveals that Black-chinned Robin is deeply divergent from the other members of the Poecilodryas clade (WGAC 1094),

Mirafra rufa

Rusty Bush Lark

Calendulauda rufa


Move Rusty Bush Lark from Mirafra to Calendulauda based on vocalizations, structure, plumage and genetics (Alström et al. 2023).

Mirafra gilletti

Gillet's Lark

 Calendulauda gilletti


Move Gillett's Lark from Mirafra to Calendulauda based on vocalizatons, structure, plumage and genetics (Alström et al. 2023).

Mirafra microptera, Mirafra erythrocephala, Mirafra affinis, Mirafra erythroptera, Mirafra assamica

Burmese Bush Lark, Indochinese Bush Lark, Jerdon's Bush Lark, Indian Bush Lark, Bengal Bush Lark

Plocealauda microptera, Plocealauda erythrocephala, Plocealauda affinis, Plocealauda erythroptera, Plocealauda assamica


Plocealauda gen. nov. is created for five species of bush lark, formerly attributed to Mirafra, but which form a discrete clade (Clade 2) in the phylogeny of Alström et al. (2023).

Mirafra collaris, Mirafra angolensis, Mirafra rufocinnamomea

Collared Lark, Angola Lark, Flappet Lark

Amirafra collaris, Amirafra angolensis, Amirafra rufocinnamomea


Amirafra is resurrected for three species formerly attributed to Mirafra, but which form a distinct clade (2) in the Mirafra radiation in Alström et al. (2023).

Mirafra apiata, Mirafra fasciolata, Mirafra hypermetra,Mirafra africana, Mirafra sharpii, Mirafra somalica

Cape Clapper Lark, Eastern Clapper Lark, Red-winged Lark, Rufous-naped Lark, Sharpe's (Russet) Lark, Somali Lark

Corypha apiata, Corypha fasciolata, Corypha hypermetra, Corypha africana, Corypha sharpii, Corypha somalica


Corypha is ressurected for Clade 1 of the Mirafra radiation in the phylogeny of Alström et al. (2023).

Ixos nicobariensis

Nicobar Bulbul

Hypsipetes nicobariensis


Recent phylogenetic analysis reveals that Nicobar Bulbul, formerly tentatively placed in Ixos, is sister to the members of the genus Hypsipetes and not Ixos (Goyal et al. 2024). 

Xanthomixis tenebrosa

Dusky Tetraka

Crossleyia tenebrosa


Move Dusky Tetraka from Xanthomixis to Crossleyia based on molecular studies (Younger et al. 2019).

Family Salpornithidae

Spotted Creeers TAX, PHY

Recognize the family Salpornithidae. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the Spotted Creepers are at least as deeply divergent from Treecreepers as are as similarly related families and should be given family rank (Oliveros et al. 2019; Imfeld et al. 2024; WGAC 1180).

Habia fuscicauda, Habia atrimaxillaris, Habia gutturalis, Habia cristata

Red-throated Ant Tanager, Black-cheeked Ant Tanager, Sooty Ant Tanager, Crested Ant Tanager

Driophlox fuscicauda, Driophlox atrimaxillaris, Driophlox gutturalis, Driophlox cristata


Driophlox Scott et al. 2024 is a newly described genus for four species of ant tanager formerly in Habia but which comprise a paraphyletic group, more closely related to Chlorothraupis, in genetic analyses (Barker et al. 2015; Scott 2022; Chesser et al. 2024).

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 14.1

Previous Lists English Name(s)

Updated List (v 14.1)

Code Reference
Family Burhinidae

Stone-curlews, Thick-knees


The linear sequence of genera and species within Burhinidae is revised following recent phylogenetic analysis (Černý and Natale 2022).

Burhinus bistriatus, Burhinus superciliaris

Double-striped Thick-knee, Peruvian Thick-knee

Hesperoburhinus bistriatus, Hesperoburhinus superciliaris


Reassign Double-striped Thick-knee and Peruvian Thick-knee from Burhinus to the newly described genus Hesperoburhinus (Černý and Natale 2023; SACC 976).

Family Charadriidae

Plovers TAX, SEQ

Genera and sequence of species within Charadriidae is revised based on recent phylogenies (dos Remedios et al. 2015; Černý & Natale 2022).

Charadrius modestus

Rufous-chested Plover (now Rufous-chested Dotterel)

Zonibyx modestus


Rufous-chested Plover (now Rufous-chested Dotterel) is moved from Charadrius to the monotypic genus Zonibyx based on phylogentic analyses (dos Remedios et al. 2015; Černý & Natale 2022).

Charadrius morinellus

Eurasian Dotterel

Eudromias morinellus


Move Eurasian Dotterel from Charadrius to the monotypic genus Eudromias based on phylogentic analyses (dos Remedios et al. 2015; Černý & Natale 2022).

 Elseyornis melanops

Black-fronted Dotterel

Charadrius melanops


Black-fronted Dotterel was previously assigned to the monotypic genus Elseyornis. But phylogenetic analyses show it to be sister to the two species formerly assigned to Thinornis, Hooded Plover and Shore Plover, which are now included in Charadrius (Barth et al. 2013; Černý & Natale 2022).

Thinornis cucullatus, Thinornis novaeseelandiae

Hooded Dotterel, Shore Dotterel (now Hooded Plover, Shore Plover)

Charadrius cucullatus, Charadrius novaeseelandiae


Hooded Dotterel and Shore Dotterel (now Hooded Plover and Shore Plover), formerly included in the genus Thinornis, are embedded in Charadrius in phylogenetic analysis (dos Remedios et al. 2015).

23 species in the genus Charadrius

Caspian Plover, Oriental Plover, Greater Sand Plover, Siberian Sand Plover, Tibetan Sand Plover, New Zealand Plover, Wilson's Plover, Collared Plover, Mountain Plover, Puna Plover, Two-banded Plover, Madagascar Plover, St. Helena Plover, Kittlitz's Plover, Red-capped Plover, Snowy Plover, Chestnut-banded Plover, Malaysian Plover, White-fronted Plover, Kentish Plover, White-faced Plover, Javan Plover, Double-banded Plover.

Genus Anarhynchus


Anarhynchus was formerly a monotypic genus associated with Wrybill Anarhynchus frontalis. But phylogenetic analysis reveals that, despite its unique bill, it is deeply embedded in a large clade of plovers classically attributed to Charadrius but significantly divergent from that genus (dos Remedios et al. 2015; Eaton et al. 2021). Anarhynchus is the oldest available name for this clade (Eaton et al. 2021; WGAC 882).

Family Jacanidae



The linear sequence of genera and species within Jacanidae is revised based on phylogenetic analysis (Černý and Natale 2022).

Family Scolopacidae

Sandpipers, Snipes


The linear sequence of genera and species within Scolopacidae is revised based on phylogenetic analysis (Černý and Natale 2022).

Family Turnicidae



Revise linear sequnce to follow Clements (2023) based on the sparse sampling of this family in Černý and Natale (2022).

Family Glareolidae

Coursers, Pratincoles


The linear sequence of genera and species within Glareolidae is revised to better align with the phylogeny in Černý and Natale (2022).

Family Laridae

Gulls, Terns, Skimmers


The linear sequence of  Laridae is revised based on the phylogenetic analyses of Černý & Natale (2022).

Chroicocephalus saundersi

Saunders's Gull

Saundersilarus saundersi


Saunders's Gull, formerly included in Chroicocephalus is moved to the monotypic genus Saundersilarus based on phylogenetic analyses (Pons et al. 2005; Černý and Natale 2022).

Family Stercorariidae

Skuas PHY, SEQ

The linear sequence of species within Stercorariidae is revised based on phylogenetic analyses of Černý & Natale (2022) and Mikkelsen and Weir (2023).

Family Alcidae



The linear sequence of Alcidae is revised based on the phylogenetic analyses of Černý & Natale (2022).

Family Diomedeidae



The linear sequence of genera of Diomedeidae is revised based on Estandia et al. (2021). Species sequence aligns with Clements (2023).

Family Fregatidae

Frigatebirds PHY, SEQ

The linear sequence of species within Fregatidae is revised based on Martins et al. (2022).

Family Sulidae

Gannets, Boobies


The linear sequence of genera and species within Sulidae is based on the phylogeny in Patterson et al. (2011).

Family Ardeidae

Herons, Bitterns


Revise linear sequence of genera and species in Ardeidae based on Hruska et al. (2023).

Gorsachius leuconotus
White-backed Night Heron
Calherodius leuconotus
Move White-backed Night Heron from Gorsachius to the monotypic genus Calherodius based on phylogenetic analysis which demonstrates that it forms a clade deeply divergent from the two species in Gorsachius proper (Hruska et al. 2023; HBW/Birdlife).

 Gorsachius magnificus

White-eared Night Heron

Oroanassa magnifica


Move White-eared Night Heron from Gorsachius to the monotypic genus Oroanassa based on phylogenetic analysis which demonstrates that it forms a clade with Calherodius which is deeply divergent from the two species in Gorsachius proper (Hruska et al. 2023; HBW/Birdlife). Although Calherodius and Oroanassa are sister taxa, and share a clade, they are deeply divergent which supports a two genus treatment. Note change in gender.

Family Trogonidae

Trogons PHY, SEQ

Revise the linear sequence of genera within Trogoniformes following the phylogeny of Oliveros et al. (2018).

Family Lybiidae

African Barbets PHY, SEQ

Sequence genera is revised to more closely align with other major world bird lists based on Moyle (2004).

Stactolaema olivacea

Green Barbet

Cryptolybia olivacea


The monotypic genus Cryptolybia is resurrected for Green Barbet which was formerly assigned to Stactolaema but which is paraphyletic in regards to that genus in phylogenetic analysis (Moyle 2004).

Lybius melanopterus, Lybius minor, Lybius bidentatus, Lybius dubius, Lybius rolleti

Brown-breasted Barbet, Black-backed Barbet, Double-toothed Barbet, Bearded Barbet, Black-breasted Barbet

Pogonornis melanopterus, Pogonornis minor, Pogonornis bidentatus, Pogonornis dubius, Pogonornis rolleti

Pogonornis is resurrected for five species formerly included in Lybius (Dickinson & Remsen 2013; WGAC 681). These five larger species uniquely share similarities in morphology, voice and sexual dimorphism that separate them from the smaller members of Lybius. They are treated as a subgeneric group of Lybius by Short and Horne (1985). This treatment is further supported by the phylogenetic analysis of Moyle (2004) which, despite its incomplete taxon sampling, illustrates Lybius s.l. to consist of two sister clades which correspond to the subgeneric groups of Short and Horne (1985). 

Reinwardtipicus validus

Orange-backed Woodpecker

Chrysocolaptes validus


Move Orange-backed Woodpecker from the monotypic genus Reinwardtipicus to Chrysocolaptes (Eaton et al. 2021; HBW/BirdLife). Though moderately diverged genetically and morphologically (Benz et al. 2006, Fuchs et al. 2017) vocalizations are similar and the plumage is consistent with a basal taxon within the broader genus (WGAC 797).

Family Cacatuidae



The genera and species of Cacatuidae are resequenced following the phylogeny of Smith et al. (2023).

Phylloscartes paulista

Sao Paulo (Tyrannulet) Bristle Tyrant

Pogonotriccus paulista


Phylogenetic data reveal that Phylloscartes paulista is embedded within Pogonotriccus (Harvey et al. 2020). Move species to Pogonotriccus (SACC 959).

Phylloscartes difficilis

Serra do Mar (Tyrannulet) Bristle Tyrant

Pogonotriccus difficilis


Phylogenetic data reveal that Phylloscartes difficilis is embedded within Pogonotriccus (Harvey et al. 2020). Move species to Pogonotriccus (SACC 959).

Antilophia bokermanni, Antilophia galeata 

Araripe Manakin, Helmeted Manakin

Chiroxiphia bokermanni, Chiroxiphia galeata


Phylogenetic analyses reveal that despite morphological differences, Antilophia is embedded in Chiroxiphia. Move Araripe Manakin and Helmeted Manakin from Antilophia to Chiroxiphia with the merger of the genera  (Silva et al. 2018; Harvey et al. 2020; Leite et al. 2021; SACC 975).

Family Acanthizidae

Australasian Warblers


Revise the sequence of genera and species within Acanthizidae following Clements (2023) based on the work of E. Miller (unpub. data) which synthesizes the phylogenies in Selvatti et al. (2015), Marki et al. (2017), Norman et al. (2018) and Fjeldså et al. (2020).



Hemixos leucogrammicus

Cream-striped Bulbul

Ixos leucogrammicus


Cream-striped Bulbul was previously tentatively placed in Hemixos with reservations (Shakya & Sheldon 2017). But because this species is a deep lineage without close relatives, it is tentatively moved to Ixos based on some similarities in plumage with other species in that genus, essentially as a placeholder, following WGAC 761. 

Family Hirundinidae

Swallows, Martins


The linear sequence of genera and species within Hirundinidae is modified to better align with Clements (2023) and the phylogeny of Brown (2019).

Petrochelidon fuliginosa

Forest Swallow

Atronanus fuliginosus


Forest Swallow was formerly placed in Petrochelidon as P. fuliginosa. However, a new monotypic genus proposed for it: Atronanus de Silva et al., 2018, is tentatively adopted here to align with BirdLife and Clements (2023) but the new genus lacks Zoobank registration. Note gender.

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 13.2

Previous Lists English Name(s) Updated List (v13.1) Code Reference

Eupodotis vigorsii, Eupodotis rueppelii, Eupodotis humilis

Karoo Korhaan, Rüppell's Korhaan, Little Brown Bustard

Heterotetrax vigorsii, Heterotetrax rueppelii, Heterotetrax humilis


Three species, formerly assigned to Eupodotis, are transferred to the resurrected genus Heterotetrax (HBW/Birdlife). On the basis of two mtDNA phylogenies, Eupodotis, as previously defined, was deeply paraphyletic with rueppellii, humilis and vigorsii forming a distantly separate branch from the two species retained in Eupodotis (Pitra et al. 2002; Broders et al. 2003).

Neocrex  erythrops, Neocrex colombiana

Paint-billed Crake, Colombian Crake

Mustelirallus  erythrops, Mustelirallus colombianus


Paint-billed Crake and Colombian Crake were formerly assigned to Neocrex but phylogenetic data show that Neocrex is closely related to Mustelirallus with which it is reasonably merged (Garcia-R et al. 2014, 2021; Kirchman et al. 2021; Depino et al. 2023; Chesser et al. 2023). Note gender.

Cyanolimnas cerverai

Zapata Rail

Mustelirallus cerverai


Zapata Rail was formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Cyanolimnas. Phylogenetic analysis confirms that Cyanolimnas is sister to the genus Neocrex and both are sister to Mustelirallus (Brown et al. 2022). Merge Cyanolimnas (along with Neocrex) into Mustelirallus following Brown et al. (2022) and Chesser et al. (2023).

Family Ciconiidae

Storks PHY, SEQ

The linear sequence of Ciconiidae is revised to follow the phylogenetic analysis of de Sousa et al. (2023).

Subfamily Aquilinae Booted Eagles PHY, SEQ

Revise sequence of Aquilinae (Stephanoaetus through Aquila) based on Lerner et al. (2017).


Sea Eagles (in part) and Fish Eagles (in part)



Genus formerly spelled Ichthyophaga but it is restored to its original spelling following ICZN Case 3603 (2017).

Haliaeetus leucogaster, Haliaeetus sanfordi, Haliaeetus vocifer, Haliaeetus vociferoides, Haliaeetus humilis, Haliaeetus ichthyaetus

White-bellied Sea Eagle, Sanford's Sea Eagle, African Fish Eagle, Madagascar Fish Eagle, Lesser Fish Eagle, Grey-headed Fish Eagle

Icthyophaga leucogaster, Icthyophaga sanfordi, Icthyophaga vocifer, Icthyophaga vociferoides, Icthyophaga humilis, Icthyophaga ichthyaetus


Icthyophaga (formerly Ichthyophaga) is reinstated as a genus for Lesser and Grey-headed Fish Eagles and is expanded to include four other species formerly attributed to Haliaeetus to better align with genetic data revealing two deeply divergent clades within Haliaeetus s.l. (Mindell et al. 2018).

Lophochroa leadbeateri

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo

Cacatua leadbeateri


Restore Major Mitchell's Cockatoo to Cacatua from Lophochroa (Schodde & Mason 1997; HBW/BirdLife). The species is deeply basal within the same clade as the other species in Cacatua (Provost et al. 2018). But it shares similar morphological, behavioral, and vocal features as the other species in that genus, suggesting that Lophochroa may be more appropriately treated as a subgenus.

Thripophaga berlepschi

Russet-mantled Softtail

Cranioleuca berlepschi


Phylogenetic analysis shows that Russet-mantled Softtail does not belong in Thripophaga but rather it is sister to the two Cranioleuca species Marcapata and Light-crowned Spinetails. Move from Thripophaga to Cranioleuca (Derryberry et al. 2011; Harvey et al. 2020).

Cranioleuca gutturata

Speckled Spinetail

Thripophaga gutturata


Phylogenetic analysis shows that Speckled Spinetail does not belong in Cranioleuca but rather it is a basal taxon within the Thripophaga clade (Derryberry et al. 2011; Harvey et al. 2020). Move from Cranioleuca to Thripophaga.

Hylopezus fulviventris, Hylopezus berlepschi, Hylopezus dives

White-lored Antpitta, Amazonian Antpitta, Thicket Antpitta

Myrmothera fulviventris, Myrmothera berlepschi, Myrmothera dives


Move these three species from Hylopezus to Myrmothera following phylogenetic analysis (Carneiro et al 2019; Harvey et al 2020; SACC 832).

Family Laniidae

Shrikes PHY, SEQ

Laniidae is resequenced following the phylogenetic analyses of Fuchs et al. (2019) and McCullough et al. (2022).

Corvinella corvina

Yellow-billed Shrike

Lanius corvinus


Yellow-billed Shrike was formerly placed in the monotypic genus Corvinella, but phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Corvinella is embedded in Lanius (Fuchs et al. 2019). Note change in gender.

Urolestes melanoleucus

Magpie Shrike

Lanius melanoleucus


Magpie Shrike was formerly placed in the monotypic genus Urolestes, but phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Urolestes is embedded in Lanius (Fuchs et al. 2019).

Alcurus tympanistrigus

Spot-necked Bulbul

Pycnonotus tympanistrigus


Phylogenic affinities of Spot-necked Bulbul are unknown. Not included in any recent phylogenetic studies. Formerly tentatively placed in Alcurus following Eaton et al. (2016), but that treatment has been retracted (Rheindt in litt.) Also frequently considered congeneric with Cream-striped Bulbul which has been moved to Hemixos following Shakya & Sheldon (2017). Very tentatively (13.2) moved to Pycnonotus where placed by HBW/BirdLife and del Hoyo & Collar (2016). If a monotypic genus is required for this species, Bonapartia Büttikofer, 1896 is available. 

 Calamornis heudei

Reed Parrotbill

Paradoxornis heudei


Restore Calamornis to Paradoxornis with the expansion of Paradoxornis to also include three other formerly recognized genera which removes the paraphyly (Cai et al. 2019).

Conostoma aemodium

Great Parrotbill

Paradoxornis aemodium


Move Great Parrotbill from the monotypic genus Conostoma to Paradoxornis (Cai et al. 2019).

Cholornis unicolor, Cholornis paradoxus

Brown Parrotbill, Three-toed Parrotbill

Paradoxornis unicolor, Paradoxornis paradoxus


Remerge Cholornis with Paradoxornis (Cai et al. 2019).

Psittiparus gularis, Psittiparus margaritae, Psittiparus ruficeps, Psittiparus bakeri

Grey-headed Parrotbill, Black-headed Parrotbill, White-breasted Parrotbill, Rufous-headed Parrotbill

Paradoxornis gularis, Paradoxornis margaritae, Paradoxornis ruficeps, Paradoxornis bakeri


Remerge Psittiparus with Paradoxornis (Cai et al. 2019).

Neosuthora davidiana

Short-tailed Parrotbill

Suthora davidiana


Merge Neosuthora with Suthora (Cai et al. 2019).

Chleuasicus atrosuperciliaris

Pale-billed Parrotbill

Suthora atrosuperciliaris


Chleuasicus is merged with Suthora (Cai et al. 2019).

Sinosuthora conspicillata, Sinosuthora zappeyi, Sinosuthora brunnea, Sinosuthora webbiana, Sinosuthora alphonsiana, Sinosuthora przewalskii

Spectacled Parrotbill, Grey-hooded Parrotbill, Brown-winged Parrotbill, Vinous-throated Parrotbill, Ashy-throated Parrotbill, Przevalski's Parrotbill

Suthora conspicillata, Suthora zappeyi, Suthora brunnea, Suthora webbiana, Suthora alphonsiana, Suthora przewalskii


Sinosuthora is merged with Suthora (Cai et al. 2019).

Family Muscicapidae

Chats, Old World Flycatchers

The linear sequence of Muscicapidae is revised to follow the phylogenetic analysis of Zhao et al. (2023).

Melaenornis pallidus, Melaenornis infuscatus

Pale Flycatcher, Chat Flycatcher

Agricola pallidus, Agricola infuscatus


Resurrect the genus Agricola for two species formerly included in Melaenornis but which form a clade that is basal to Fraseria and Melaenornis (Voelker et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2023).

Myioparus griseigularis, Myioparus plumbeus

Grey-throated Tit-Flycatcher, Grey Tit-Flycatcher

Fraseria griseigularis, Fraseria plumbea


Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the two species formerly within Myioparus are embedded within a broadly defined Fraseria (Voelker et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2023). Note change in gender.

Muscicapa olivascens, Muscicapa lendu, Muscicapa caerulescens, Muscicapa tessmanni

Olivaceous Flycatcher, Chapin's Flycatcher, Ashy Flycatcher, Tessmann's Flycatcher

Fraseria olivascens, Fraseria lendu, Fraseria caerulescens, Fraseria tessmanni


Four species formerly atttibuted to Muscicapa are embedded within a broadly defined Fraseria based on phylogenetic analyses (Voelker et al. 2016; Zhao et al. 2023). 

Melaenornis silens

Fiscal Flycatcher

Sigelus silens


Resurrect monospecific Sigelus for Fiscal Flycatcher which, along with Silverbird and Herero Chat, form a polytypic clade that is sister to Melaenornis s.s. Treat each within its own monospecific genus (Voelker et al. 2016).

Muscicapa comitata, Muscicapa boehmi, Muscicapa ussheri, Muscicapa infuscata 


Dusky-blue Flycatcher, Böhm's Flycatcher, Ussher's Flycatcher, Sooty Flycatcher

Bradornis comitatus, Bradornis boehmi, Bradornis ussheri, Bradornis fuliginosus


Move four species formerly attributed to Muscicapa to Bradornis (Voelker et al. 2016; (Zhao M et al. 2023). Note gender. In addition, with the move to Bradornis, the species epithet of Sooty Flycatcher reverts from infuscata Cassin, 1855 to the more senior name fuliginosus Verreaux & Verreaux, 1855, which is no longer preoccuped within the genus.

Melaenornis microrhynchus, Melaenornis mariquensis

African Grey Flycatcher, Marico Flycatcher

Bradornis microrhynchus, Bradornis mariquensis


Restore African Grey Flycatcher and Marico Flycatcher to Bradornis from Melaenornis (Voelker et al. 2016; (Zhao M et al. 2023).

Cossypha isabellae

Mountain Robin-Chat

Cossyphicula isabellae


Reassign Mountain Robin-Chat from Cossypha to Cossyphicula based on phylogenetic analysis which shows it sister to Cossyphicula roberti (Zhao M et al. 2023). See also Beresford (2003).

Cossypha humeralis, Cossypha caffra,  Cossypha archeri, Cossypha anomala

White-throated Robin-Chat, Cape Robin-Chat, Archer's Ground Robin, Olive-flanked Ground Robin

Dessonornis humeralis, Dessonornis caffer, Dessonornis archeri, Dessonornis anomalus


The resurrected genus Dessonornis is applied to four species formerly assigned to Cossypha but which form a distinctly separate clade in phylogenetic analyses (Beresford 2003; Zhao M et al. 2023). As noted by Mayr & Paynter (1964) and others, Dessonornis (Smith, A, 1836) is a misspelling, later corrected by the author himself to Bessonornis (Smith, A, 1844). However, it is not clear that Smith's later emendation satisfies ICZN Art. Use of Dessonornis follows Wolters (1975). Treatment of Dessonornis as masculine follows HBW/BLI and ICZN 30.2.4 .

Rhodothraupis celaeno

Crimson-collared Grosbeak

Periporphyrus celaeno


Move Crimson-collared Grosbeak from the monotypic genus Rhodothraupis to Periporphyrus based on genomic data which shows that this species is closely related to Red-and-black Grosbeak P. erythromelas (Bocalini et al. 2021; Chesser et al. 2023). 

Porphyrospiza caerulescens, Porphyrospiza alaudina, Porphyrospiza  carbonaria

Blue Finch, Band-tailed Sierra Finch, Carbonated Sierra Finch

Rhopospina caerulescens, Rhopospina alaudina, Rhopospina carbonaria


Merge Porphyrospiza with a more expansive Rhopospina following SACC.

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 13.1

Previous Lists English Name(s) Updated List (v13.1) Code Reference

Phodilus prigoginei

Congo Bay Owl

Tyto prigoginei


Reassign Congo Bay Owl from Phodilus to Tyto based on morphology. Shape of facial disc, size of eyes and size of feet and bill are closer to Tyto than to Phodilus (König &  Weick 2008).

Bubo poensis, Bubo leucostictus, Bubo lacteus, Bubo shelleyi, Bubo blakistoni, Bubo sumatranus, Bubo nipalensis, Bubo coromandus, Bubo philippensis

Fraser's Eagle-Owl, Akun Eagle-Owl, Verreaux's Eagle-Owl, Shelley's Eagle-Owl, Blakiston's Fish Owl,  Barred Eagle-Owl, Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl, Dusky Eagle-Owl, Philippine Eagle-Owl

Ketupa poensis, Ketupa leucosticta, Ketupa lactea, Ketupa shelleyi, Ketupa blakistoni, Ketupa sumatrana,  Ketupa nipalensis, Ketupa coromanda, Ketupa philippensis


Ketupa is embedded within Bubo, which may be better treated as two or three genera (Wink 2016; Salter et al. 2020; Wink and Sauer-Gürth 2021). Ketupa is retained as a separate genus and expanded to include nine species formerly attributed to traditional Bubo to align with WGAC and Clements (2022). Note change in gender.

Clytoceyx rex

Shovel-billed Kookaburra

Dacelo rex


Formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Clytoceyx which is embedded in the kookaburra genus Dacelo based on multilocus analyses (Moyle 2006, Andersen et al. 2018).

Sasia africana

African Piculet

Verreauxia africana


African Piculet is sister to, but deeply divergent from, the two other piculets in the genus Sasia. Reassign African Piculet from Sasia to the monotypic genus Verreauxia (Shakya et al. 2017; HBW/BirdLife, Clements).

Polihierax insignis

White-rumped Falcon

Neohierax insignis


Phylogenetic analysis of Falconidae reveals that White-rumped Falcon is not sister to Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus. Rather it is a basal taxon in the same clade as Falco while Pygmy Falcon is sister to Microhierax which together form a separate clade. Resurrect the monotypic genus Neohierax for White-rumped Falcon to preserve monophyly (Fuchs et al. 2015).

Phaeomyias murina, Phaeomyias tumbezana

Mouse-colored Tyrannulet, Tumbesian Tyrannulet

Nesotriccus murinus, Nesotriccus tumbezanus


Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Cocos Flycatcher (Nesotriccus) is embedded in the Mouse-colored Tyrannulet radiation (Phaeomyias). Since Nesotriccus has priority over Phaeomyias, the former genus prevails for the merged genus (Zucker et al. 2016). Note that Phaeomyias is feminine but Nesotriccus is masculine. Species-group epithets are modified accordingly.

Poeoptera sharpii

Sharpe's Starling

Pholia sharpii


Restore Sharpe's Starling to the monotypic genus Pholia from Poeoptera (Clements 2022; WGAC 2022). Though sharing the same clade as the three species in Poeoptera (Lovette & Rubenstein 2007), it basal within that clade and it is phenotypically divergent.

Poeoptera femoralis

Abbott's Starling

Arizelopsar femoralis


Separate Abbott's Starling from Cinnyricinclus and, subsequently, Poeoptera to the resurrected monotypic genus Arizelopsar (Clements 2022; WGAC 2022). Though sharing the same clade as the three species in Poeoptera (Lovette & Rubenstein 2007), it is deeply basal within that clade and it is phenotypically divergent.  Resequence to follow Sharpe's Starling (Lovette & Rubenstein 2007).

Cyornis hyacinthinus, Cyornis hoevelli, Cyornis sanfordi, Cyornis oscillans, Cyornis stresemanni

Timor Blue Flycatcher, Blue-fronted Blue Flycatcher, Matinan Blue Flycatcher, Flores Jungle Flycatcher, Sumba Jungle Flycatcher

Eumyias hyacinthinus, Eumyias hoevelli, Eumyias sanfordi, Eumyias oscillans, Eumyias stresemanni


Move these five species from Cyornis to Eumyias based on the structure of their song (Eaton et al. 2021) and unpublished genetic data (Clements 2022).

Cossypha polioptera

Grey-winged Robin-Chat

Sheppardia polioptera


Grey-winged Robin-Chat is reassigned to Sheppardia from Cossypha based on genetic data, similar juvenile plumage to other species in that genus, and other features of morphology (Beresford 2003; Sangster et al. 2010; del Hoyo & Collar 2016; HBW/BirdLife).

Taxonomic Updates IOC Version 12.2

Previous Lists English Name(s) Updated List (v12.2) Code Reference
Nyctibius bracteatus
Rufous Potoo
Phyllaemulor bracteatus
Move the morphologically, behaviorly and phylogenetically distinct Rufous Potoo from Nyctibius to the newly described genus Phyllaemulor. Revise sequence of Nyctibiidae to move the phylogenetically basal and less speciose genus Phyllaemulor to the beginning of the sequence (Costa et al. 2017; SACC 927).
Leucolia violiceps, Leucolia viridifrons, Leucolia wagneri
Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Green-fronted Hummingbird, Cinnamon-sided Hummingbird
Ramosomyia violiceps, Ramosomyia viridifrons, Ramosomyia wagneri
Bruce & Stiles (2021) determined that the type species for Leucolia is Leucippus fallax and is thus not available for these three species formerly attributed to Leucolia. They propose a new genus, Ramosomyia: Stiles & Bruce, 2021, which has been subsequently adopted (NACC 2022-B-2; Chesser et al. 2022).
Clytolaema rubricauda
Brazilian Ruby
Heliodoxa rubricauda
Brazilian Ruby was formerly placed in the monotypic genus Clytolaema, but phylogenetic analysis shows that Clytolaema is deeply embedded in Heliodoxa. Merge Clytoaema into Heliodoxa (McGuire et al. 2014; SACC 928).
Gallirallus calayanensis
Calayan Rail
Aptenorallus calayanensis
Gen. nov.: Aptenorallus Kirchman et al., 2021 is a newly described genus for the phylogenetically distinct Calayan Rail formerly placed in Gallirallus
Circaetus spectabilis
Congo Serpent Eagle
Dryotriorchis spectabilis
Restore Congo Serpent Eagle to Dryotriorchis from Circaetus based on phylogenetic analysis which indicates that maintaining it in Circaetus would render that genus paraphyletic relative to the highly distinctive Bateleur (Mindell et al. 2018; contra Lerner & Mindell 2005).
Accipiter superciliosus, Accipiter collaris
Tiny Hawk, Semicollared Hawk
Microspizias superciliosus, Microspizias collaris
Move the phylogenetically distinct Tiny Hawk and Semicollared Hawk from Accipiter to the newly described genus Microspizias (Sangster et al. 2021; SACC 942). See also Olson (2006) and Kocum (2008).
Percnostola melanoceps, Percnostola goeldii
White-shouldered Antbird, Goeldi's Antbird
Akletos melanoceps, Akletos goeldii
Initially moved from Myrmeciza to Inundicola then Akletos (Isler et al. 2013), but subsequently moved from Akletos to Percnostola (SACC 884). Restore White-shouldered Antbird and Goeldi's Antbird to Akletos following SACC (SACC 884x).
 Percnostola fortis, Percnostola immaculata, Percnostola zeledoni
Sooty Antbird, Blue-lored Antbird, Zeledon's Antbird
Hafferia fortis, Hafferia immaculata, Hafferia zeledoni
Initially moved from Myrmeciza to Hafferia Isler et al. (2013) but subsequently placed in Percnostola (SACC 884). Restore Sooty Antbird to Hafferia following SACC (SACC 884x).
Sugomel lombokius, Sugomel niger
Scaly-crowned Honeyeater, Black Honeyeater
Sugomel lombokium, Sugomel nigrum
Sugomel is treated as neuter following Higgins et al. (2008); Dickinson & Christidis (2014). Contra Christidis & Boles (2008)
Rubigula melanicterus
Black-capped Bulbul
Rubigula melanictera
The species epithet is here regarded a noun in apposition and is invariable. The protonym of the species is Muscicapa melanictera Gmelin, 1789 (Rheindt in litt.).
Urosphena pallidipes, Urosphena neumanni
Pale-footed Bush Warbler, Neumann's Warbler
Hemitesia pallidipes, Hemitesia neumanni
Hemitesia is resurrected as a genus for these two species most recently attributed to Urosphena but which form a discrete, vocally distinct, and deeply divergent clade that is sister to Urosphena by phylogenetic analysis (Alström et al. 2011b).

IOC Version 12.1

(January 15, 2022)


Saudareos ornatus

Ornate Lorikeet

Saudareos ornata


Correct gender from masculine to feminine.

Herpsilochmus sellowi

Caatinga Antwren

Radinopsyche sellowi


Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Caatinga Antwren is not a member of the Herpsilochmus clade but is a deep-branch sister to
the monotypic genus Biatas. Reassign to monotypic Radinopsyche gen. nov. Whitney, Bravo, Belmonte-Lopes, Bornschein, Pie & Brumfield, 2021 (Bravo et al. 2021; SACC 915). Resequence. 

Sakesphorus cristatus

Silvery-cheeked Antshrike

Sakesphoroides cristatus


Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Silvery-cheeked Antshrike is not closely related to the other two species in Sakesphorus but rather is sister to a clade formed by Herpsilochmus + Dysithamnus. Move to the resurrected genus Sakesphoroides Grantsau 2010 based on genetic and morphological differences. (Bravo et al. 2021; SACC 914).
Lichmera lombokia


Scaly-crowned Honeyeater

Sugomel lombokius


Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Scaly-crowned Honeyeater is sister to Black Honeyeater rather than to other species in the genus Lichmera to which is was formerly assigned (Marki et al. 2017). Reassign to the genus Sugomel following Eaton et al. (2021). Note masculine rather than neuter gender for Sugomel (Christidis & Boles 2008; Schodde in litt. See also LeCroy 2011; contra Higgins et al. 2008; Dickinson & Christidis 2014).

Monarcha rubiensis

Rufous Monarch

Symposiachrus rubiensis


Reassign Rufous Monarch from Monarcha to Symposiachrus (Beehler & Pratt, 2016; Dickinson & Christidis, 2014; HBW/Birdlife; Clements).
Platylophus galericulatus


Crested Jay (Crested Jayshrike)

Move from Family Corvidae to newly recognized Family Platylophidae


Recent phylogenetic analyses have shown that Platylophus is not a true corvid (Corvidae), but rather has an unsettled position within the Corvoidea radiation (Jønsson et al. 2008, Aggerbeck et al. 2014, Winkler et al. 2015; Oliveros et al. 2019; Jønsson et al. 2011; Jønsson et al. 2016, Fuchs et al. 2019; Stervander et al. 2020). Best placed in its own family Platylophidae which has been recently formally described (Gaudin et al. 2021). However, an alternate name for this family, Lophocittidae, may have precedence depending on whether Lophocitteae Kaup, 1855 is interpreted as having been originally introduced as a family-group name or as a genus-group name (Gaudin et al. 2021; Raty in litt. 9/10/21, Bird Forum
Paradisaea rudolphi

Blue Bird-of-paradise

Paradisornis rudolphi


Move Blue Bird-of-paradise from Paradisaea to the resurrected monotypic genus Paradisornis based on significant morphological, vocal, and display differences (Beehler & Pratt 2016; Gregory 2017).
Family Aegithalidae




Revise the linear sequence of the family Aegithalidae (Päckert et al. 2010).

Cataponera turdoides

Sulawesi Thrush

Turdus turdoides


Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Sulawesi Thrush is embedded in Turdus. Move from the monotypic genus Cataponera to Turdus (Reeve et al. 2022). Note gender.

Cyornis concretus

White-tailed Flycatcher

Leucoptilon concretum


Move White-tailed Flycatcher from Cyornis to the newly described genus Leucoptilon (Sangster et al. 2021). Note change in gender ending to neuter.

Cossypha ansorgei

Angolan Cave Chat

Xenocopsychus ansorgei


Restore Angolan Cave Chat to Xenocopsychus from Cossypha. Placed in Cossypha in error.
Anthus lutescens


Yellowish Pipit

Anthus chii


Replace the scientific name of Yellowish Pipit from Anthus lutescens Pucheran, 1855 to Anthus chii Vieillot, 1818 which has precedence (Zimmer 1953; Smith & Clay 2021; SACC 910).

IOC Version 11.2 (July 10, 2021)

Family Phasianidae Pheasants & Allies   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise the linear sequence and generic classification of the family Phasianidae (Kimball et al. 2021).
Falcipennis canadensis Spruce Grouse Canachites canadensis TAX, PHY Spruce Grouse and Siberian Grouse do not form a monophyletic clade in recent phylogenetic analyses. Move from Falcipennis to the resurrected genus Canachites (Kimball et al. 2011, 2021; Persons et al. 2016; Chesser et al. 2021).
Dendroperdix sephaena Crested Francolin Ortygornis sephaena TAX, PHY Crested Francolin is sister to Grey Francolin and Swamp Francolin based on phylogenetic analysis. Move from the monotypic genus Dendroperdix to Ortygornis (Mandiwana-Neudani et al. 2019b; Kimball et al. 2021).
Francolinus pondicerianus, Francolinus gularis Grey Francolin, Swamp Francolin Ortygornis pondicerianus, Ortygornis gularis  TAX, PHY Move Grey Francolin and Swamp Francolin from Francolinus to the resurrected genus Ortygornis (Mandiwana-Neudani et al. 2019b; Kimball et al. 2021).
Peliperdix coqui, Peliperdix albogularis, Peliperdix schlegelii Coqui Francolin, White-throated Francolin, Schlegel's Francolin Campocolinus coqui, Campocolinus albogularis, Campocolinus schlegelii TAX, PHY These three species of francolin, formerly assigned to Peliperdix, are in a different clade than Latham's Francolin as demonstrated in phylogenetic analyses  (Mandiwani-Neudani et al. 2019b; Kimball et al. 2021). Move from Peliperdix to Campocolinus gen. nov.: Crowe et al., 2020.
Coturnix ypsilophora Brown Quail Synoicus ypsilophorus TAX, PHY Move Brown Quail from Coturnix to resurrected genus Synoicus based on phylogenetic analysis (Seabrook-Davison et al. 2009; Kimball et al. 2011). Note change of gender to masculine.


Anurophasis monorthonyx Snow Mountain Quail Synoicus monorthonyx TAX, PHY Reassign Snow Mountain Quail from the monotypic genus Anurophasis to Synoicus based on phylogenetic analysis that shows it is sister to Brown Quail Synoicus ypsilophorus (Hosner et al. 2017).
Excalfactoria chinensis,

Excalfactoria adansonii

King Quail, Blue Quail Synoicus chinensis, Synoicus adansonii TAX, PHY Move both species in Excalfactoria to resurrected genus Synoicus based on phylogenetic analysis (Seabrook-Davison et al. 2009; Kimball et al. 2011).


Order Caprimulgiformes Frogmouths, Oilbird, Potoos, Nightjars Orders Podargiformes, Steatornithiformes, Nyctibiiformes, Caprimulgiformes TAX, PHY Split the broad and anciently diverged order Caprimulgiformes into four smaller orders (NACC 2016-A-10; SACC 703; Yuri et al. 2013; Mayr 2014; Prum et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2019).


Order Apodiformes Owlet-nightjars, Treeswifts, Swifts, Hummingbirds Orders Aegotheliformes, Apodiformes TAX, PHY Split the nocturnal owlet-nightjars from the three diurnal families in the order Apodiformes (NACC 2016-A-10; SACC 703; Yuri et al. 2013; Mayr 2014; Prum et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2019).


Chaetura Swifts   TAX, PHY Change linear sequence (Chesser et al. 2018; SACC 880; NACC 2021-A-10).


Calliphlox bryantae
Magenta-throated Woodstar Philodice bryantae TAX Philodice is resurrected for two species of woodstar which were formerly included in Calliphlox, to avoid paraphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera & Ornelas 2017; SACC 886; see NACC 2019-D-14).


Calliphlox mitchellii Purple-throated Woodstar Philodice mitchellii TAX Philodice is resurrected for two species of woodstar which were formerly included in Calliphlox, to avoid paraphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera & Ornelas 2017; SACC 886; see NACC 2019-D-14).


Ptilinopus epius Oberholser's Fruit Dove Ptilinopus gularis TAX Revise scientific name from Ptilinopus epius (Oberholser, 1918) to earlier and available name Ptilinopus gularis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) following David et al. (2021).


Oceanodroma Northern Storm Petrels Hydrobates TAX, PHY Move the 17 species of northern storm petrels formerly assigned to Oceanodroma to Hydrobates to avoid paraphyly (Penhallurick  & Wink 2004; Robertson et al. 2011; Wallace et al. 2017; NACC 2019-B-7; SACC 190). Note change in gender. Revise sequence to follow AOS.


Family Phalacrocoracidae
Cormorants, Shags   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise the linear sequence and generic classification of the family Phalacrocoracidae (Kennedy & Spencer 2014; Kennedy et al. 2019).
Phalacrocorax gaimardi Red-legged Cormorant Poikilocarbo gaimardi TAX, PHY Red-legged Cormorant represents a monotypic clade (Kennedy et al. 2000, 2019; Christidis & Boles 2008; Kennedy & Spencer 2014); move from Phalacrocorax to Poikilocarbo. 
Phalacrocorax penicillatus, Phalacrocorax urile, Phalacrocorax pelagicus, Phalacrocorax perspicillatus Brandt's Cormorant, Red-faced Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Spectacled Cormorant Urile penicillatus, Urile urile, Urile pelagicus, Urile perspicillatus TAX, PHY Resurrection of the genus Urile applies to the well-supported clade of North Pacific cormorants (Kennedy & Spencer 2014; Kennedy et al. 2019). Move from Phalacrocorax to Urile. The extinct Spectacled Cormorant is placed in this genus with the other North Pacific cormorants, as was done by Wolters (1975-1982).
Phalacrocorax aristotelis European Shag Gulosus aristotelis TAX, PHY Resurrection of the monotypic genus Gulosus is proposed for the genetically highly divergent European Shag (Kennedy & Spencer 2014; Kennedy et al. 2019). Move from Phalacrocorax to Gulosus.
Phalacrocorax harrisi, Phalacrocorax  brasilianus, Phalacrocorax auritus Flightless Cormorant, Neotropic Cormorant, Double-crested Cormorant Nannopterum harrisi, Nannopterum brasilianum, Nannopterum auritum TAX, PHY Resurrection of the genus Nannopterum is proposed for three New World species formerly assigned to Phalacrocorax, but which are in a different clade from Phalacrocorax s.s. and are more closely related to Leucocarbo (Kennedy & Spencer 2014, Kennedy et al. 2019; Chesser et al. 2021). Note change in gender from masculine to neuter.
Phalacrocorax magellanicus Rock Shag Leucocarbo magellanicus TAX, PHY In the phylogeny of Kennedy & Spencer (2014), Rock Shag is included in Leucarbo, where it is a basal taxon within that group. Move from Phalacrocorax to Leucocarbo.
Buteo burmanicus Himalayan Buzzard Buteo refectus TAX See Dickinson & Svensson (2012), James (1988) and Dickinson & Remsen (2013).


Taenioptynx sylvaticum Sunda Owlet Taenioptynx sylvaticus TAX Correct gender ending from neuter to masculine (N. David pers. comm.).


Pseudoscops grammicus Jamaican Owl Asio grammicus TAX, PHY Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Pseudoscops, but Jamaican Owl is embedded in Asio in the phylogenetic analysis of Salter et al. (2019). Move from Pseudoscops to Asio (NACC 2021-C-10; Chesser et al. 2021).
Tribe Loriini Lorikeets   PHY, TAX, SEQ Revise the linear sequence and generic classification of the tribe Loriini (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna wilhelminae Pygmy Lorikeet Charminetta wilhelminae PHY, TAX Move Pygmy Lorikeet from Charmosyna to the resurrected genus Charminetta (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna rubronotata, Charmosyna placentis Red-fronted Lorikeet, Red-flanked Lorikeet Hypocharmosyna rubronotata, Hypocharmosyna placentis PHY, TAX Move Red-fronted Lorikeet and Red-flanked Lorikeet from Charmosyna to the resurrected genus Hypocharmosyna (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna toxopei, Charmosyna pulchella Blue-fronted Lorikeet, Fairy Lorikeet Charmosynopsis toxopei, Charmosynopsis pulchella PHY, TAX Move Blue-fronted Lorikeet and Fairy Lorikeet from Charmosyna to the resurrected genus Charmosynopsis (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna multistriata Striated Lorikeet Synorhacma multistriata PHY, TAX Move Striated Lorikeet from Charmosyna to the genus novum Synorhacma (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna margarethae Duchess Lorikeet Charmosynoides margarethae PHY, TAX Move from Charmosyna to the newly described genus Charmosynoides (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Charmosyna meeki, Charmosyna rubrigularis, Charmosyna  palmarum, Charmosyna amabilis,  Charmosyna diadema Meek's Lorikeet, Red-chinned Lorikeet, Palm Lorikeet, Red-throated Lorikeet, New Caledonian Lorikeet Vini meeki, Vini rubrigularis, Vini palmarum, Vini amabilis, Vini diadema PHY, TAX Formerly assigned to Charmosyna but reassign to Vini (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Phigys solitarius Collared Lory Vini solitaria TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Phigys but phylogenetic analyses shows it to be embedded in Vini, to which it is moved (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020). Note gender.
Psitteuteles goldiei Goldie's Lorikeet Glossoptilus goldiei TAX, PHY The monotypic genus Glossoptilus is resurrected for Psitteuteles goldiei which is basal to the Eos/Trichoglossus radiation (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al. 2020).
Trichoglossus johnstoniae,Trichoglossus flavoviridis, Trichoglossus ornatus Mindanao Lorikeet, Citrine Lorikeet, Ornate Lorikeet Saudareos johnstoniae, Saudareos flavoviridis, Saudareos ornatus PHY, SEQ Move from Trichoglossus to Saudareos gen. nov.: Joseph et al., 2020 following Smith, BT et al. (2020); Joseph et al. (2020).
Psitteuteles iris Iris Lorikeet Saudareos iris PHY, SEQ Move from Psitteuteles to newly described genus Saudareos (Smith et al. 2020; Joseph et al., 2020).
Scytalopus Scytalopus tapaculos   PHY, SEQ Revise linear sequence of Scytalopus (Cadena et al. 2020; SACC 889).
Tribe Xolmiini Ground Tyrants, Black Tyrants, Monjitas, Shrike-Tyrants and relatives.   PHY, TAX, SEQ Revise the linear sequence and generic classification of the tribe Xolmiini (Chesser et al. 2020; SACC 885).
Muscisaxicola fluviatilis Little Ground Tyrant Syrtidicola fluviatilis TAX Move from Muscisaxicola to the newly described genus Syrtidicola: Chesser, Harvey, Brumfield & Derryberry, 2020. Formerly assigned to Muscisaxicola but phylogenetic analysis shows deep genetic divergence from other species within that genus, fluviatilis being phylogenetically closer to Satrapa, with which it forms a separate subclade.
Polioxolmis rufipennis Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant Cnemarchus rufipennis TAX Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Polioxolmis which is subsumed into Cnemarchus (Ohlson et al. 2020; Chesser et al. 2020; SACC 885).
Xolmis pyrope Fire-eyed Diucon Pyrope pyrope  TAX Formerly placed in Xolmis. Move to resurrected genus Pyrope following phylogenetic analysis (Chesser et al. 2020; SACC 885).
Xolmis cinereus Grey Monjita Nengetus cinereus TAX Formerly assigned to Xolmis, but phylogenetic analysis places Grey Monjita in a separate clade along with the four species here assigned to Neoxolmis. Nengetus, the basal taxon within that clade, is treated as monotypic based on its unique morphology, following SACC 885.
Xolmis coronatus, Xolmis rubetra, Xolmis salinarum Black-crowned Monjita, Rusty-backed Monjita, Salinas Monjita Neoxolmis coronatus, Neoxolmis rubetra, Neoxolmis salinarum TAX Formerly assigned to Xolmis but forms a different clade (Chesser et al. 2020). Placed in Neoxolmis along with Chocolate-vented Tyrant following SACC 885.
Heteroxolmis dominicana Black-and-white Monjita   PHY, SEQ Resequence. Phylogenetic analyses show that Heteroxolmis is not a part of Xolmiini but rather is sister to Alectrurus in Fluvicolini (Tello et al. 2009; Harvey et al. 2020; Chesser et al. 2020, SACC 885).


Deltarhynchus flammulatus Flammulated Flycatcher Ramphotrigon flammulatum TAX, PHY Flammulated Flycatcher was formerly placed in the monotypic genus Deltarhynchus but phylogenetic analyses show that Ramphotrigon is paraphyletic relative to Deltarhynchus (Ohlson et al. 2008; Harvey et al. 2020; Lavinia et al. 2020). Move Flammulated Flycatcher to Ramphotrigon (NACC 2021-C-2; Chesser et al. 2021). Note change in gender from masculine to neuter.
Family Vireonidae Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers   PHY, TAX, SEQ Revise linear sequence and generic classification of Vireonidae (Slager et al. 2014; Mejías et al. 2020).
Hylophilus ochraceiceps Tawny-crowned Greenlet Tunchiornis ochraceiceps PHY, TAX Tunchiornis is a new genus described for Tawny-crowned Greenlet, formerly assigned to Hylophilus, but which forms a discrete clade (Slager et al. 2014; Slager & Klicka 2014; Chesser et al. 2016; SACC 656).
Hylophilus decurtatus, Hylophilus hypoxanthus,  Hylophilus muscicapinus, Hylophilus aurantiifrons, Hylophilus semibrunneus Lesser Greenlet, Dusky-capped Greenlet, Buff-cheeked Greenlet, Golden-fronted Greenlet, Rufous-naped Greenlet Pachysylvia decurtata, Pachysylvia hypoxantha, Pachysylvia muscicapina, Pachysylvia aurantiifrons, Pachysylvia semibrunnea PHY, TAX Pachysylvia is resurrected for a genus of greenlets formerly assigned to Hylophilus but which form a distinct clade (Slager et al. 2014; Slager & Klicka 2014; Chesser et al. 2016; SACC 656). Revise gender of species and subspecies epithets.
Eutrichomyias rowleyi
Cerulean Flycatcher (Cerulean Paradise Flycatcher)   PHY Move from Monarchidae to Rhipiduridae. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that Eutrichomyias is a relictual member of the Lamproliinae (Jonsson et al. 2017). Here treated as a subfamily of Rhipiduridae (Irestedt et al. 2008; Norman et al. 2009b; Nyári et al. 2009; Jønsson et al. 2011; Schodde & Christidis 2014).


Family Hirundinidae
Swallows, Martins   PHY, TAX, SEQ Revise the linear sequence of Hirundinidae based on Sheldon et al. (2005) and de Silva et al. (2018).


Riparia cincta Banded Martin Neophedina cincta TAX, PHY The monotypic genus Neophedina is resurrected for Banded Martin, which was formerly placed in Riparia but which is in a different clade from other members of that genus (Sheldon et al. 2005).


Phedina brazzae Brazza's Martin Phedinopsis brazzae TAX, PHY Brazza's Martin is part of a trichotomy with Banded and Mascarene Martins. Placed in the monotypic genus Phedinopsis Wolters, 1971 in Dickinson & Christidis (2014).


Notiochelidon pileata Black-capped Swallow Atticora pileata TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Black-capped Swallow is in the same clade as Atticora fasciata. Because A. pileata is the type of Notiochelidon, that genus is now subsumed into Atticora (Sheldon et al. 2005; AOU 2016).


Notiochelidon cyanoleuca
Blue-and-white Swallow Pygochelidon cyanoleuca TAX, PHY Blue-and-white Swallow is restored to Pygochelidon of which it is the type species (AOU 1983; Sheldon et al. 2005; SACC 314).


Notiochelidon murina Brown-bellied Swallow Orochelidon murina TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis places Brown-bellied Swallow in a clade with flavipes and andecola. Thus, now placed in the resurrected genus Orochelidon, for which it is the type species (Sheldon et al. 2005; SACC 314).


Notiochelidon flavipes Pale-footed Swallow Orochelidon flavipes TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis shows Pale-footed Swallow to be sister to murina + andecola. Thus, now placed in the resurrected genus Orochelidon (Sheldon et al. 2005; SACC 314).


Haplochelidon andecola Andean Swallow Orochelidon andecola TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis places Andean Swallow as sister to murina. Thus, now placed in the resurrected genus Orochelidon (Sheldon et al. 2005; SACC 314).


Neochelidon tibialis White-thighed Swallow Atticora tibialis TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis reveals that White-thighed Swallow is in the same clade as Atticora fasciata. The genus Notiochelidon is subsumed under Atticora (Sheldon et al. 2005; AOU 2016; SACC 314).


Atticora melanoleuca Black-collared Swallow Pygochelidon melanoleuca TAX, PHY Formerly attributed to the genus Atticora but phylogenetic analysis shows it to be sister to P. cyanoleuca. Thus moved to Pygochelidon (Sheldon et al. 2005; SACC 314).


Family Regulidae Goldcrests, Kinglets   TAX, PHY Revise linear sequence of Regulidae based on Päckert et al. (2009).
Regulus calendula Ruby-crowned Kinglet Corthylio calendula   Resurrect the genus Corthylio for Ruby-crowned Kinglet which is deeply divergent from the other species in Regulidae (Päckert et al. 2009; Oliveros et al. 2019; NACC 2021-A-9; Chesser et al. 2021).
Family Polioptilidae
Gnatcatchers   TAX, PHY Revise the linear sequence of Polioptilidae based on Smith et al. (2018).
Basilornis mirandus Apo Myna Goodfellowia miranda TAX Move Apo Myna from Basilornis to resurrected genus Goodfellowia based on paraphyly and morphology (Lovette & Rubenstein 2007; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Allen 2020). Note gender.
Family Turdidae Thrushes   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise the sequence of taxa within Turdidae based primarily on Fjeldså et al. (2020) which is based on phylogenetic data in Outlaw et al. (2003), Klicka et al. (2005), Miller et al. (2007), Nylander et al. (2010), Voelker & Klicka (2008), Voelker & Outlaw (2008), Sangster et al. (2010), and Olsson & Alström (2013). The sequence of species with Turdus is further refined from phylogenetic data in Cerqueira et al. (2016), Nagy et al. (2019) and Batista et al. (2019).


Pinarornis plumosus Boulder Chat   PHY Move Pinaornis from Muscicapidae to Turdidae.  Phylogenetic analysis places it in a basal clade within Turdidae (Fjeldså et al. 2020).
Family Passeridae Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise the sequence of taxa within Passeridae based on Päckert et al. (2021) and Fjeldså et al. (2020).
Lonchura oryzivora, Lonchura fuscata Java Sparrow, Timor Sparrow Padda oryzivora, Padda fuscata TAX, PHY Restore the genus Padda for two phenotypically distinctive species formerly included in Lonchura but which are in a small clade basal to typical Lonchura species (Olsson & Alström 2020; Chesser et al. 2014).
Lonchura tristissima, Lonchura leucosticta Streak-headed Mannikin, White-spotted Mannikin Mayrimunia tristissima, Mayrimunia leucosticta TAX, PHY Resurrect the genus Mayrimunia for two species formerly included in Lonchura in a small clade that is sister to Padda (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Subfamily Euphoninae Chlorophonias and Euphonias   PHY, TAX, SEQ Revise the linear sequence of Euphoninae based on Imfeld et al. (2020).
Euphonia elegantissima, Euphonia musica, Euphonia cyanocephala Elegant Euphonia, Antillean Euphonia, Golden-rumped Euphonia Chlorophonia elegantissima, Chlorophonia musica, Chlorophonia cyanocephala TAX, PHY The "blue-hooded" euphonias (elegantissima, musica, and cyanocephala) form a distinct clade that is sister to Chlorophonia rather than embedded in the genus Euphonia. These were placed in their own genus Cyanophonia Bonaparte, 1851 by Imfeld et al. (2020), but SACC and NACC merge these into a broader Chlorophonia (followed here). Move from Euphonia to Chlorophonia (SACC 856B; NACC 2021-A-1; Chesser et al. 2021).
Amphispiza quinquestriata Five-striped Sparrow Amphispizopsis quinquestriata TAX, PHY Resurrect Amphispizopsis for Five-striped Sparrow as generically distinct from Amphispiza based on genetics, morphology, behavior and vocalizations (Cicero et al. 2020; Groschupf 2020; NACC 2021-C-12; Chesser et al. 2021).

IOC Version 11.1 (January 20, 2021)

Galloanseres Waterfowl and Landfowl   PHY
Resequence Anseriformes to procede Galliformes to follow standard sequencing protocol.
Family Musophagidae Turacos   SEQ, PHY, TAX Revise sequence and generic taxonomy (Perktaş et al. 2020; Veron & Winney 2000; Dickinson & Christidis 2013).
Go-away Birds   TAX Move all three species to Crinifer Perktaş et al. (2020).
Tauraco porphyreolophus Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolophus TAX Move from Tauraco to resurrected genus Gallirex Perktaş et al. (2020). 
Ruwenzorornis johnstoni
Ruwenzori Turaco Gallirex johnstoni TAX Move from Ruwenzorornis to Gallirex Perktaş et al. (2020).
Tauraco ruspolii, Tauraco leucotis Ruspoli's Turaco, White-cheeked Turaco Menelikornis ruspolii, Menelikornis leucotis TAX Move from Tauraco to resurrected genus Menelikornis Perktaş et al. (2020).
Musophaga violacea, Musophaga rossae
Violet Turaco, Ross's Turaco Tauraco violaceus, Tauraco rossae TAX Move from Musophaga to Tauraco (Veron & Winney 2000; Dickinson & Christidis 2013). Retained in Musophaga in Perktaş et al. (2020). Note gender ending.
Family Spheniscidae Penguins   PHY, TAX
Revise sequence of genera and species to follow Vianna et al. (2020).
Family Strigidae Owls   PHY, TAX Revise sequence and taxonomy of genera based primarily on the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Salter et al. (2019).
Sceloglaux albifacies Laughing Owl Ninox albifacies TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to Sceloglaux which is embedded within Ninox and is treated as congeneric (Wood et al. 2016; Salter et al. 2019).
Glaucidium brodiei, G. sylvaticum
Collared Owlet, Sunda Owlet Taenioptynx brodiei, Taenioptynx sylvaticum TAX, PHY Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Glaucidium brodiei (and presumably G. sylvaticum) are not closely related to other Glaucidium species but rather form a discrete clade with Micrathene and Xenoglaux that is sister to the remaining species within Surniinae. The genus Taenioptynx Kaup, 1848 is resurrected for these two species (Salter et al. 2019).
Ninox jacquinoti Solomons Boobook Athene jacquinoti TAX, PHY Ninox jacquinoti is phylogenetically embedded within Athene and is better included in that genus (Salter et al. 2019; see also Gwee et al. 2016). English name needs revision.
Mascarenotus grucheti, M. sauzieri, M. murivorus Reunion Owl, Rodrigues Owl, Mauritius Owl, Otus grucheti, O. sauzieri, O. murivorus TAX, PHY These taxa were formerly attibuted to the endemic Mascarene genus Mascarenotus but that genus is embedded in Otus
Pyrroglaux podargina Palau Owl Otus podarginus TAX, PHY Formerly in Pyrroglaux, but that genus is embedded in Otus (Salter et al. 2019). Note gender agreement.
Pseudoscops clamator Striped Owl Asio clamator TAX, PHY Striped Owl was previously included in Pseudoscops, but phylogenetic analyses show that it is embedded in Asio (Wink et al. 2009; SACC 713; Wink 2016; Salter et al. 2019)
Nesasio solomonensis Fearful Owl Asio solomonensis TAX, PHY Fearful Owl was formerly attributed to the monotypic genus Nesasio, but phylogenetic analysis shows that genus is embedded in Asio (Salter et al. 2019).
Ara Ara Macaws   PHY, SEQ Minor sequence revisions to incorporate SACC 869.
Stymphalornis acutirostris
Marsh Antwren Formicivora acutirostris PHY, TAX Stymphalornis is embedded within Formicivora. (Gonzaga 2001; Bravo et al. 2014; SACC 893).
Akletos melanoceps, Akletos goeldii White-shouldered Antbird, Goeldi's Antbird Percnostola melanoceps, Percnostola goeldii PHY, TAX Moved from Akletos to Percnostola following SACC 884.
Hafferia fortis, Hafferia immaculata, Hafferia zeledoni Sooty Antbird, Blue-lored Antbird, Zeledon's Antbird Percnostola fortis, Percnostola immaculata, Percnostola zeledoni PHY, TAX Moved from Hafferia to Percnostola following SACC 884.
Hylopezus nattereri Speckle-breasted Antpitta Cryptopezus nattereri PHY, TAX Moved from Hylopezus to the newly described monotypic genus Cryptopezus to preserve monophyly in a recent phylogenetic analysis of the lowland antpittas (Carneiro, Bravo & Aleixo 2019; SACC 832).
Lipaugus Pihas   SEQ Resequence genus following  Berv & Prum (2014),  Settlecowski et al. (2020) and SACC 863.
Tijuca atra, Tijuca condita Black-and-gold Cotinga, Grey-winged Cotinga Lipaugus ater, Lipaugus conditus TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to Tijuca but that genus is embedded within Lipaugus (Berv & Prum 2014; Settlecowski et al. 2020; SACC 863). Note gender.
Pachycephala occidentalis Western Whistler Pachycephala fuliginosa TAX, PHY Western Whistler includes both fuliginosa and occidentalis as established by further nDNA analyses by Joseph et al. (2020). Change scientific name to Pachycephala fuliginosa which has priority over P. occidentalis.
Oenanthe heuglini Heuglin's Wheatear Oenanthe heuglinii TAX
Change species epithet from heuglini to the original spelling heuglinii Van den Elzen et al. (2011).
Idiopsar speculiferus White-winged Diuca Finch Idiopsar speculifer TAX
Correct spelling of species epithet (N. David pers. comm., SACC).
Pipraeidea bonariensis
Blue-and-yellow Tanager Rauenia bonariensis  TAX Move to the monotypic genus Rauenia which is resurrected for Blue-and-yellow Tanager. Formerly treated as congeneric with the sister genus Pipraeidea, but it differs substantially in plumage, morphology, voice, and behavior (Piacentini 2017; Piacentini 2019; SACC 867).

IOC Version 10.2 (July 25, 2020)

Dendrortyx Wood Partridges   SEQ
Resequenced to reflect phylogenetic results of Tsai et al. (2019; Chesser et al. 2020, NACC 2020-A-06).
Arborophila charltonii, Arborophila chloropus
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge, Green-legged Partridge Tropicoperdix charltonii, Tropicoperdix chloropus TAX Phylogenetic studies show that Chestnut-necklaced Partridge and Green-legged Partridge are in a different clade from Arborophila. (Chen et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2018)
Claravis geoffroyi, Claravis mondetoura Purple-winged Ground Dove, Maroon-chested Ground Dove Paraclaravis geoffroyi, Paraclaravis mondetoura TAX, PHY
Paraclaravis is a new genus described to resolve the polyphyly of Claravis shown in recent phylogenetic studies (Sweeet et al. 2017; Sangster, Sweet & Johnson 2018)
Family Trochilidae
Hummingbirds   TAX, PHY, SEQ
Revise sequence and genera within Trochilidae following McGuire et al. (2014); Stiles et al. (2017b); Licona-Vera and Ornelas (2017); Hernández-Baños et al. (2020); AOS-SACC; AOS-NACC
Calliphlox evelynae, Calliphlox lyrura
Bahama Woodstar, Inagua Woodstar Nesophlox evelynae, Nesophlox lyrura TAX, PHY Resurrect Nesophlox for these two species formerly assigned to Calliphlox to avoid paraphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; Licona-Vera and Ornelas 2017; NACC 2019-D-14).
Atthis heloisa, Atthis ellioti Bumblebee Hummingbird, Wine-throated Hummingbird Selasphorus heloisa, Selasphorus ellioti
TAX, PHY Formerly in Atthis but phylogenetic studies show that genus is embedded in Selasphorus Licona-Vera and Ornelas (2017).
Cynanthus sordidus Dusky Hummingbird Phaeoptila sordida TAX, PHY Remove from Cynanthus and replace in monotypic Phaeoptila (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al.2017b; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01). Note gender.
Chlorostilbon ricordii, C. bracei, C. swainsonii, C. maugaeus, C. elegans
Cuban Emerald, Brace's Emerald, Hispaniolan Emerald, Puerto Rican Emerald, Gould's Emeral Riccordia ricordii, R. bracei, R. swainsonii, R. maugaeus, R. elegans
TAX, PHY Greater Antillean emerald clade is removed from Chlorostilbon and placed in resurrected Riccordia to eliminate polyphyly (NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01). Placement of R. elegans in this group is tentative.
Cyanophaia bicolor Blue-headed Hummingbird Riccordia bicolor TAX, PHY Monotypic Lesser Antillean genus Cyanophaia is nested within resurrected Antillean genus Riccordia (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Chlorostilbon auriceps,  Chlorostilbon forficatus,  Chlorostilboncanivetii Golden-crowned Emerald, Cozumel Emerald, Canivet's Emerald Cynanthus auriceps, Cynanthus forficatus, Cynanthus canivetii
TAX, PHY Generic limits of Cynanthus revised to include the canivetii group formerly included in Chlorostilbon (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; NACC 2020-A-02,
Campylopterus curvipennis, C. pampa, C. excellens, C. rufus
Curve-winged Sabrewing, Wedge-tailed Sabrewing, Long-tailed Sabrewing, Rufous Sabrewing Pampa curvipennis, P. pampa, P. excellens, P. rufa
TAX, PHY Campylopterus sensu lato is polyphyletic; removal of four northern Middle American species to Pampa resolves polyphyly (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01). Note gender.
Elvira cupreiceps, Elvira chionura
Coppery-headed Emerald, White-tailed Emerald Microchera cupreiceps, Microchera chionura
TAX, PHY The two species of Elvira are now subsumed within formerly monotypic Microchera due to short branch lengths (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC-2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Goethalsia bella Pirre Hummingbird Goldmania bella TAX, PHY Monotypic Goethalsia, now merged with Goldmania (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017; SACC 780, NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Thalurania ridgwayi Mexican Woodnymph Eupherusa ridgwayi TAX, PHY Thalurania is non-monophyletic when ridgwayi is included; included in Eupherusa due to sister relationship, plumage similarity, and biogeography (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Leucippus baeri, Leucippus taczanowskii
Tumbes Hummingbird, Spot-throated Hummingbird Thaumasius baeri, Thaumasius taczanowskii
TAX, PHY To resolve polyphyly in Leucippus, resurrect Thaumasius for baeri and taczanowskii (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Aphantochroa cirrochloris Sombre Hummingbird Eupetomena cirrochloris TAX, PHY Aphantochroa cirrochloris is merged into Eupetomena based on genetic relationships, shared sabrewing structure, and similar biogeography (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-02, 2020-D-01).
Leucippus chlorocercus Olive-spotted Hummingbird Talaphorus chlorocercus TAX, PHY
Monotypic Talaphorus resurrected for L. chlorocercus, a phylogenetic outlier, to avoid a polyphyletc Leucippus (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Amazilia violiceps, Amazilia viridifrons, Amazilia wagneri
Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Green-fronted Hummingbird, Cinnamon-sided Hummingbird, Leucolia violiceps, Leucolia viridifrons, Leucolia wagneri TAX, PHY
Leucolia resurrected for these three Mexican species to avoid an overly broad Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Amazilia cyanocephala, A. hoffmanni, A. beryllina, A. cyanura, A. edward, A. saucerottei, A. cyanifrons, A. castaneiventris, A. viridigaster, A. tobaci Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Blue-vented Hummingbird, Berylline Hummingbird,   Blue-tailed Hummingbird, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Steely-vented Hummingbird, Indigo-capped Hummingbird, Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird, Green-bellied Hummingbird, Copper-rumped Hummingbird, Saucerottia cyanocephala, S. hoffmanni, S. beryllina, S. cyanura, S. edward, S. saucerottei, S. cyanifrons, S. castaneiventris, S. viridigaster, S. tobaci
TAX, PHY Saucerottia is one of several genera split from a broad, polyphyletic Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Amazilia amazilia Amazilia Hummingbird Amazilis amazilia TAX, PHY
An outlier on the genetic tree of Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014), hence earlier generic name Amazilis restored as a monotypic genus (Stiles et al. 2017b, SACC 781, NACC 2020-A-03).
Amazilia franciae Andean Emerald Uranomitra franciae TAX, PHY
An outlier to the phylogeny of Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014), as well as being the only montane form and the only sexually dichromatic form; thus restored to monotypic genus Uranomitra (Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Lepidopyga goudoti, Lepidopyga coeruleogularis, Lepidopyga lilliae
Shining-green Hummingbird, Sapphire-throated Hummingbird, Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird Chrysuronia goudoti, Chrysuronia coeruleogularis, Chrysuronia lilliae
Transferred from Lepidopyga to Chrysuronia based on phylogeny (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Amazilia versicolor, Amazilia brevirostris, Amazilia leucogaster
Versicolored Emerald, White-chested Emerald, Plain-bellied Emerald Chrysuronia versicolor, Chrysuronia brevirostris, Chrysuronia leucogaster
Transferred from Amazilia to Chrysuronia based on phylogeny (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Hylocharis humboldtii, Hylocharis grayi
Humboldt's Sapphire, Blue-headed Sapphire Chrysuronia humboldtii, Chrysuronia grayi
TAX, PHY Transferred from Hylocharis to Chrysuronia based on phylogeny (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Amazilia fimbriata, Amazilia lactea
Glittering-throated Emerald, Sapphire-spangled Emerald Chionomesa fimbriata, Chionomesa lactea
TAX, PHY Glittering-throated Emerald and Sapphire-spangled Emerald are not closely related to Amazilia, hence available generic name Chionomesa resurrected (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03).
Amazilia chionogaster, Amazilia viridicauda
White-bellied Hummingbird, Green-and-white Hummingbird Elliotomyia chionogaster, Elliotomyia viridicauda
TAX, PHY New genus Elliotomyia (replacing preoccupied Elliotia) for montane representatives formerly in Amazilia (sometimes Leucippus) (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781).
Amazilia amabilis, Amazilia decora, Amazilia rosenbergi
Blue-chested Hummingbird, Charming Hummingbird, Purple-chested Hummingbird Polyerata amabilis, Polyerata decora, Polyerata rosenbergi TAX, PHY Polyerata resurrected for three species forming a distinct clade outside of core Amazilia (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01)
Amazilia candida White-bellied Emerald Chlorestes candida TAX, PHY Transferred from Amazilia to Chlorestes based on phylogeny (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Hylocharis eliciae, Hylocharis cyanus
Blue-throated Sapphire, White-chinned Sapphire Chlorestes eliciae, Chlorestes cyanus
TAX, PHY Transferred from Hylocharis to Chlorestes based on phylogenetic studies. (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Juliamyia julie Violet-bellied Hummingbird Chlorestes julie TAX, PHY Transferred from Juliamyia as it falls within the taxon group now placed in Chlorestes (McGuire et al. 2014; Stiles et al. 2017b; SACC 781; NACC 2020-A-03, 2020-D-01).
Family Rallidae Rails, Crakes & Coots   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera of Rallidae based primarily on Garcia-R et al. (2020); with modifications from Kirchman (2012); Garcia-R et al. (2014); Boast et al (2019); Stervander et al. (2019)
Rallicula rubra, R. leucospila, R. forbesi, R. mayri
Chestnut Forest Rail, White-striped Forest Rail, Forbes's Forest Rail, Mayr's Forest Rail Move Rallicula from Rallidae to Sarothruridae TAX, PHY
Rallicula rails are related to flufftails and Mentocrex rails in the Sarothruridae. Move to Sarothruridae. (Garcia-R et al. 2020).
Porzana albicollis
Ash-throated Crake Mustelirallus albicollis TAX, PHY
Mustelirallus is resurrected for Ash-throated Crake, formerly included in Porzana, but which is closest to Neocrex and other members of the Aramides clade (Garcia-R et al. 2014, SACC 650). Treat as monotypic, contra SACC, which merges Neocrex in this genus.
Crex egregia African Crake Crecopsis egregia TAX, PHY
African Crake is not sister to Corn Crake but forms a monophyletic group with Rouget's Rail. Move from Crex to monotypic genus Crecopsis (Garcia-R et al. 2020).
Gallirallus striatus Slaty-breasted Rail Lewinia striata  


Move to Lewinia. Formerly in Gallirallus but sister to other species within Lewinia (Kirchman 2012; Dickinson & Remsen 2013). Note gender.
Gallirallus lafresnayanus
New Caledonian Rail Cabalus lafresnayanus TAX, PHY
New Cadedonian Rail is sister to Chatham Rail Kirchman (2012). Move from Gallirallus to Cabalus.
Gallirallus modestus Chatham Rail Cabalus modestus TAX, PHY
Move to Cabalus. Recognition of this genus and its sequence order follows Kirchman (2012) and Dickinson & Remsen (2013).
Gallirallus okinawae, G. torquatus, G. insignis, G. owstoni, G. rovianae, G. wakensis, G. dieffenbachii, G. sylvestris, G. philippensis, G. pacificus
Okinawa Rail, Barred Rail, Pink-legged Rail, Guam Rail, Roviana Rail, Wake Island Rail, Dieffenbach's Rail, Lord Howe Woodhen, Buff-banded Rail, Tahiti Rail Hypotaenidia okinawae, H. torquata, H. insignis, H. owstoni, H. rovianae, H. wakensis, H. dieffenbachii, H. sylvestris, H. philippensis, H. pacifica
TAX, PHY These species in Hypotaenidia were previously included in Gallirallus s.l., but the sequence in Kirchman (2012) shows them to be paraphyletic to Gallirallus s.s. Recognition follows Dickinson & Remsen (2013). Note gender.
Nesoclopeus woodfordi, N. poecilopterus
Woodford's Rail, Bar-winged Rail Hypotaenidia woodfordi, H. poeciloptera TAX, PHY These species in Hypotaenidia were previously included in Nesoclopeus, but the sequence in Kirchman (2012) shows them to be paraphyletic to Gallirallus s.s. Recognition follows Dickinson & Remsen (2013). Note gender.
Anurolimnas castaneiceps Chestnut-headed Crake Rufirallus castaneiceps TAX, PHY
Move to Rufirallus Bonaparte, 1856 which has priority over Anurolimnas Sharpe, 1893 when Chestnut-headed Crake and Russet-crowned Crake are treated as congeneric (Dickinson & Remsen 2013; HBW; Garcia-R et al. 2020).
Laterallus viridis Russet-crowned Crake Rufirallus viridis TAX, PHY
Russet-crowned Crake was formerly assigned to Laterallus. Here treated as congeneric with Chestnut-headed Crake, formerly assigned to Anurolimnas. Rufirallus has priority as the generic name for this clade (Dickinson & Remsen 2013; HBW; Garcia-R et al. 2020).
Porzana spiloptera Dot-winged Crake Laterallus spiloptera TAX, PHY
Dot-winged Crake is a member of "American Black" clade of the Laterallus rails. Reassign to Laterallus from Porzana (Stervander et al. 2019).
Atlantisia rogersi Inaccessible Island Rail Laterallus rogersi TAX, PHY Inaccessible Island Rail is a member of New World Laterallus rails. Reassign to Laterallus from monotypic Atlantisia (Stervander et al. 2019; Garcia-R et al. 2020).
Porzana flaviventer Yellow-breasted Crake Laterallus flaviventer TAX, PHY Tentatively reassign Yellow-breasted Crake from Porzana to Laterallus (Stervander et al. 2019). Placed in Hapalocrex by NACC (2016-B-4) but, if so, non-monophyletic with respect to other Laterallus.
Amaurornis akool, Amaurornis flavirostra, Amaurornis olivieri
Brown Crake, Black Crake, Sakalava Rail Zapornia akool, Zapornia flavirostra, Zapornia olivieri
Move genus from Amaurornis to Zapornia (Slikas et al. 2002; Dickinson & Remsen 2013).
Porzana bicolor, P. parva, P. pusilla, P. fusca, P. paykullii, P. tabuensis, P. nigra, P. monasa, P. atra, P. sandwichensis, P. palmeri
Black-tailed Crake, Little Crake, Baillon's Crake, Ruddy-breasted Crake, Band-bellied Crake, Spotless Crake, Tahiti Crake,  Kosrae Crake, Henderson Crake, Hawaiian Rail, Laysan Rail Zapornia bicolor, Z. parva, Z. pusilla, Z. fusca, Z. paykullii, Z. tabuensis, Z. nigra, Z. monasa, Z. atra, Z. sandwichensis, Z. palmeri
TAX, PHY Move from Porzana to Zapornia (Garcia-R et al. 2014, 2020).
Porzana astrictocarpus St. Helena Crake Zapornia astrictocarpus  TAX, PHY
Tentatively move to Zapornia from Porzana based on Olson's original description: (Olson, 1973).
Porzana cinerea White-browed Crake Poliolimnas cinereus TAX, PHY
Formerly placed in Porzana. More recently included by some in Amaurornis but recent studies show it to be close to Megacrex. Place in the monotypic genus Poliolimnas (Garcia-R et al. 2020). Note gender.
Family Phalacrocoracidae Cormorants, Shags   PHY, SEQ
Revise the sequence of Phalacrocoracidae to follow Kennedy & Spencer (2014) and Kennedy et al. (2019), Additional generic-level changes suggested by Kennedy & Spencer (2014) and Kennedy et al. (2019) are under active consideration.
Family Cathartidae
New World Vultures   PHY, SEQ
Resequenced to follow Johnson et al. (2016); Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-A-13.
Screech Owls   PHY, SEQ
Change sequence of Megascops to follow phylogeny of Dantas et al. (2016); Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-B-9.
 Megascops nudipes Puerto Rican Screech Owl (Puerto Rican Owl) Gymnasio nudipes TAX, PHY
Move from Megascops to the resurrected, monotypic genus Gymnasio (Dantas et al. 2016; Salter et al. 2020; Chesser et al. 2020; NACC 2020-B-9)
Chloroceryle American Kingfishers   PHY, SEQ
Resequenced to follow Moyle (2006); Chesser et al. (2020); NACC 2020-A-13.
Pteroglossus beauharnaesii Curl-crested Aracari Pteroglossus beauharnaisii TAX
Pteroglossus beauharnaisii Wagler, 1831 is regarded as the original spelling and Pteroglossus beauharnaesii Wagler, 1832 is treated as an ISS. (Wright 2015; David et al. 2020; Schodde pers. comm.). Contra Bock & Schodde (2016).
Campethera nivosa, Campethera caroli
Buff-spotted Woodpecker, Brown-eared Woodpecker Pardipicus nivosus, Pardipicus caroli
Genus Pardipicus is resurrected for these two species which form a clade that is sister to Campethera + Geocolaptes. (Fuchs et al. 2017, Dowsett & Gregory 2018). Note gender ending.
Dinopium rafflesii Olive-backed Woodpecker Gecinulus rafflesii TAX, PHY
Retaining Olive-backed Woodpecker in Dinopium to the exclusion of Gecinulus renders Dinopium paraphyletic (Shakya et al. 2017). Sister to Gecinulus; move to that genus (contra Kirwan & Collar 2020, who place it in a monotypic genus Chloropicoides). Note gender ending for subspecies.
Calyptorhynchus funereus, C. baudinii and C. latirostris  Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Baudin's Black Cockatoo, Carnaby's Black Cockatoo Zanda funerea, Z. baudinii and Z. latirostris
Genetic divergence from other species within Calyptorhynchus supports generic recognition of Zanda for funerea, baudinii and latirostris. (White et al. 2011). Note change in gender.
Forpus Forpus Parrotlets   PHY, SEQ
Resequenced to follow Smith et al. (2013), Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-A-13.
Ara Macaws
PHY, SEQ Resequenced to follow Johansson et al. (2018), Chesser et al. (2020), NACC 2020-B-06.
Philydor rufum, Philydor erythropterum
Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner, Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleaner Dendroma rufa, Dendroma erythroptera
Recent phylogenetic studies show that Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner and Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleaner are not related to other species in Phylidor but, rather, are in a clade sister to Ancistrops. Move to resurrected genus Dendroma to recognize this relationship. Note gender ending. (Derryberry et al. 2011; SACC 819)
Leptasthenura yanacensis
Tawny Tit-Spinetail Sylviorthorhynchus yanacensis TAX, PHY Recent phylogenetic studies show that S. desmurii and L. yanacensis are sister species in a clade that is sister to the remaining species in Leptasthenura. (Derryberry et al. 2011; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; SACC 816)
Cranioleuca sulphurifera
Sulphur-bearded Spinetail Limnoctites sulphuriferus TAX, PHY
Recent phylogenetic studies reveal that Sulphur-bearded Spinetail and Straight-billed Reedhaunter are sister species which, in turn, form a clade which is sister to a clade composed of the remaining species in Cranioleuca. Move Sulphur-bearded Spinetail to Limnoctites. Note gender ending (Derryberry et al. 2011; SACC 815).
Family Dicruridae Drongos   PHY
Revise sequence following Shakya et al. (2020) with modifications from Fuchs et al. (2017); Pasquet et al. (2007).
Family Pycnonotidae Bulbuls   TAX, PHY, SEQ
Revise sequence and genera of Pycnonotidae based primarily on Shakya & Sheldon (2017).
Pycnonotus striatus Striated Bulbul Alcurus striatus
Move from Pycnonotus to resurrected genus Alcurus (Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus tympanistrigus Spot-necked Bulbul Alcurus tympanistrigus TAX, PHY Tentaively placed in Alcurus following Eaton et al. (2016), but also frequently considered congeneric with Cream-striped Bulbul which has been moved to Hemixos following Shakya & Sheldon (2017). If the species is ultimately found to require a monotypic genus, Bonapartia Büttikofer, 1896 is available. Not included in any recent phylogentic studies.
Alophoixus finschii Finsch's Bulbul Iole finschii TAX, PHY
Move from Alophoixus to Iole. Sister to the other members of that genus (Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus leucogrammicus Cream-striped Bulbul Hemixos leucogrammicus TAX, PHY Sister to other members of Hemixos. Move to that genus from Pycnonotus (Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Thapsinillas affinis, longirostris, mysticalis
Seram, Northern and Buru Golden Bulbuls Hypsipetes affinis, longirostris, mysticalis TAX, PHY The "Golden Bulbuls" were formerly assigned to Thapsinillas, but that genus is embedded in Hypsipetes (Shakya & Sheldon 2017); move all three species to Hypsipetes.
Cerasophila thompsoni
White-headed Bulbul Hypsipetes thompsoni TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Cerasophila, but the species is embedded within Hypsipetes, sister to Hypsipetes leucocephalus. Move to Hypsipetes (Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus melanoleucos Black-and-white Bulbul Microtarsus melanoleucos TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to monotypic Microtarsus (Oliveros & Moyle 2010; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus eutilotus Puff-backed Bulbul Euptilotus eutilotus TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to the monotypic genus Euptilotus (Oliveros & Moyle 2010; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus urostictus Yellow-wattled Bulbul Poliolophus urostictus TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to the monotypic genus Poliolophus (Oliveros & Moyle 2010; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus priocephalus, P. fuscoflavescens
Grey-headed Bulbul, Andaman Bulbul Brachypodius priocephalus, fuscoflavescens TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to the genus Brachypodius (Oliveros & Moyle 2010; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Shakya & Sheldon 2017).
Pycnonotus atriceps
Black-headed Bulbul Brachypodius melanocephalos
TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to the genus Brachypodius (Oliveros & Moyle 2010; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Shakya & Sheldon 2017). Long treated as B. [Pycnonotus] atriceps (Temminck, 1822), but melanocephalos (Gmelin, 1788) has priority, cannot be regarded as a homonym of Lanius collurio, var. ε melanocephalus Gmelin 1788 (contra Oberholser 1917), and has been used since 1899 (L. Raty, BirdForum 2018; R. Schodde and F. Rheindt, in litt.).
Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii Blue-wattled Bulbul Brachypodius nieuwenhuisii TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to the genus Brachypodius. The nominate was described in Poliolophus and subspecies inexspectatus was described in Euptilotus but regarded as a morph or hybrid of Brachypodius [Microtarsus] atriceps in Eaton et al. (2016).
Pycnonotus erythropthalmos, squamatus, cyaniventris
Spectacled, Scaly-breasted and Grey-bellied Bulbuls Ixodia erythropthalmos, squamata, cyaniventris TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to resurrected genus Ixodia Shakya & Sheldon (2017). Note change in gender endings. The genus name Ixodia Blyth, 1845 is available and is not preoccupied by Ixodia Robert Brown, 1812 (Asteraceae) (R. Schodde, pers. comm.), hence there was no need for the replacement name Ixidia Blyth, 1846,
Pycnonotus flaviventris, melanicterus, gularis, dispar, montis.
Black-crested, Black-capped, Flame-throated, Ruby-throated, Bornean Bulbuls Rubigula flaviventris, melanicterus, gularis, dispar, montis. TAX, PHY Move from Pycnonotus to resurrected genus Rubigula (Fishpool & Tobias 2005; Shakya & Sheldon 2017). Note gender endings.
Progne New World Martins   PHY, SEQ Resequenced to follow Sheldon et al. (2005); Moyle et al. (2008).
Family Sylviidae
Sylviid Babblers   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera in Sylviidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019)
Horizorhinus dohrni Dohrn's Thrush-Babbler Sylvia dohrni TAX, PHY Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Horizorhinus but dohrni is sister to other species in a subclade of babblers which, in turn is sister to Sylvia including those formerly placed in Pseudoalcippe. (Voelker et al. 2009; Moyle et al. 2012; Dickinson & Christidis 2014, Cai et al. 2019).
Parophasma galinieri Abyssinian Catbird Sylvia galinieri TAX, PHY Abyssinian Catbird, formerly placed in the monotypic genus Parophasma, is a member of Sylvia (Gelang et al. 2009; Cai et al. 2019).
Lioptilus nigricapillus Bush Blackcap Sylvia nigricapillus TAX, PHY Bush Blackcap, formerly placed in the monotypic genus Lioptilus, is a member of Sylvia (Moyle et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2019).
Pseudoalcippe abyssinica, Pseudoalcippe atriceps
African Hill Babbler, Rwenzori Hill Babbler Sylvia abyssinica, Sylvia atriceps
TAX, PHY The African hill-babblers, formerly in Pseudoalcippe, belong in Sylvia (Voelker et al. 2009; Moyle et al. 2012; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Cai et al. 2019).
Sylvia nisoria, Sylvia  layardi, Sylvia boehmi, Sylvia subcoerulea, Sylvia minula,  Sylvia curruca, Sylvia althaea, Sylvia lugens, Sylvia  buryi, Sylvia leucomelaena, Sylvia hortensis, Sylvia crassirostris, Sylvia deserti, Sylvia nana, Sylvia deserticola, Sylvia mystacea, Sylvia  ruppeli, Sylvia melanothorax, Sylvia melanocephala, Sylvia subalpina, Sylvia cantillans, Sylvia communis, Sylvia conspicillata, Sylvia sarda, Sylvia undata, Sylvia balearica Barred Warbler, Layard's Warbler, Banded Parisoma, Chestnut-vented Warbler, Desert Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Hume's Whitethroat, Brown Parisoma, Yemen Warbler, Arabian Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler, Eastern Orphean Warbler, African Desert Warbler, Asian Desert Warbler, Tristram's Warbler, Menetries's Warbler, Rüppell's Warbler, Cyprus Warbler, Sardinian Warbler, Moltoni's Warbler, (Eastern) Subalpine Warbler, Common Whitethroat, Spectacled Warbler, Marmora's Warbler, Dartford Warbler, Balearic Warbler Curruca nisoria, Curruca layardi, Curruca boehmi, Curruca subcoerulea, Curruca minula, Curruca curruca, Curruca althaea, Curruca lugens, Curruca buryi, Curruca leucomelaena, Curruca hortensis, Curruca crassirostris, Curruca deserti, Curruca nana, Curruca deserticola, Curruca mystacea, Curruca ruppeli, Curruca melanothorax, Curruca melanocephala, Curruca subalpina, Curruca cantillans, Curruca communis, Curruca conspicillata, Curruca sarda, Curruca undata, Curruca balearica
TAX, PHY Members of this genus, formerly in Sylvia and/or Parisoma, are deeply divergent from members of Sylvia s.s. Move all to Curruca (Voelker & Light 2011; Dickinson & Christidis 2014; Cai et al 2019).
Family Sylviidae (in part)
Parrotbills Family Paradoxornithidae TAX, PHY, SEQ Recognize Paradoxornithidae as a family separate from Sylviidae and revise sequence and genera within that family Cai et al. (2019) and modified by Penhallurick & Robson (2009). In addition to the parrotbill genera, Paradoxornithidae also includes: Myzornis, Moupinia, Lioparus, Chrysomma, Rhopophilus, Fulvetta, and Chamaea.
Paradoxornis heudei Reed Parrotbill Calamornis heudei TAX, PHY Move Reed Parrotbill from Paradoxornis to the resurrected genus Calamornis since it is paraphyletic to the other two species in Paradoxornis in Cai et al. (2019).
Family Zosteropidae
White-eyes TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera in Zosteropidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019) augmented by Meimberg et al. (2016), Lim et al. (2018), O'Connell et al. (2019), Cox et al. (2014), and Moyle et al. (2009).
Yuhina diademata White-collared Yuhina Parayuhina diademata TAX, PHY Move White-collared Yuhina to monotypic gen. nov. Parayuhina Cai et al., 2019. Basal to all other yuhinas.
Yuhina everetti, Yuhina castaniceps, Yuhina torqueola Chestnut-crested Yuhina, Striated Yuhina, Indochinese Yuhina Staphida everetti, Staphida castaniceps, Staphida torqueola
TAX, PHY Resurrect genus Staphida to include three species formerly in Yuhina but which are in a discrete clade basal to Yuhina s.s. (Cai et al. 2019).
Lophozosterops javanicus, Lophozosterops  pinaiae,  Lophozosterops goodfellowi, Lophozosterops squamiceps, Lophozosterops superciliaris, Lophozosterops  dohertyi Mees's White-eye, Grey-hooded White-eye, Mindanao White-eye, Streak-headed White-eye, Cream-browed White-eye, Crested White-eye Heleia javanica, Heleia pinaiae, Heleia goodfellowi, Heleia squamiceps, Heleia superciliaris, Heleia dohertyi
TAX, PHY Move all taxa formerly in Lophozosterops Hartert, 1896 to Heleia Hartlaub, 1865 which has precidence(Moyle et al. 2009). Note gender ending.
Oculocincta squamifrons
Pygmy White-eye Heleia squamifrons TAX, PHY Formerly attributed to monotypic Oculocincta but embedded in Heleia (Moyle et al. 2009)
Zosterops wallacei Yellow-ringed White-eye Heleia wallacei TAX, PHY Formerly attributed to Zosterops, but this taxon is related to Lophozosterops (Heleia) (Moyle et al. 2009).
Woodfordia superciliosa, Woodfordia lacertosa
Bare-eyed White-eye, Sanford's White-eye Zosterops superciliosus, Zosterops lacertosus
TAX, PHY Formerly placed in the genus Woodfordia, but that genus is embedded in Zosterops (Moyle et al. 2009). Note gender ending.
Family Timaliidae Babblers, Scimitar Babblers   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera in Timaliidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019).
Rhopocichla atriceps Dark-fronted Babbler Dumetia atriceps TAX, PHY Formerly in monospecific genus Rhopocichla which has been merged with Dumetia (Cai et al. 2019).
Macronus kelleyi, Macronus flavicollis, Macronus gularis, Macronus bornensis Grey-faced Tit-Babbler, Grey-cheeked Tit-Babbler, Pin-striped Tit-Babbler, Bold-striped Tit-Babbler Mixornis kelleyi, Mixornis flavicollis, Mixornis gularis, Mixornis bornensis
TAX, PHY Move four species from Macronus to Mixornis to resolve paraphyly (Moyle et al. 2012; Dickinson & Christidis 2014).
Stachyris erythroptera
Chestnut-winged Babbler Cyanoderma erythropterum TAX, PHY Cyanoderma is resurrected for species formerly assigned to Stachyridopsis and one from Stachyris to accommodate recent phylogenetic studies (Moyle et al. 2012; Dickinson & Christidis 2018). Cyanoderma Salvadori, 1874 has priority over Stachyridopsis Oates, 1883. Note change in gender.
Stachyridopsis chrysaea, Stachyridopsis  melanothorax, Stachyridopsis rufifrons,  Stachyridopsis pyrrhops, Stachyridopsis ruficeps,  Stachyridopsis ambigua Golden Babbler, Crescent-chested Babbler, Rufous-fronted Babbler, Black-chinned Babbler, Rufous-capped Babbler, Buff-chested Babbler Cyanoderma chrysaeum, Cyanoderma melanothorax, Cyanoderma rufifrons, Cyanoderma pyrrhops, Cyanoderma ruficeps, Cyanoderma ambiguum
TAX, PHY Cyanodermais resurrected for species formerly assigned to Stachyridopsis and one from Stachyris to accommodate recent phylogenetic studies (Moyle et al. 2012; Dickinson & Christidis 2018). Cyanoderma Salvadori, 1874 has priority over Stachyridopsis Oates, 1883. Note change in gender.
Garrulax lugubris, Garrulax calvus Black Laughingthrush, Bare-headed Laughingthrush Melanocichla lugubris, Melanocichla calva
TAX, PHY Melanocichla is comprised of two species that were formerly assigned to Garrulax in Leiothrichidae but molecular studies reveal that they belong in Timaliidae (Cai et al. 2019). Note change in gender.
Pomatorhinus hypoleucos, Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Pomatorhinus mcclellandi, Pomatorhinus gravivox, Pomatorhinus  swinhoei, Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis Large Scimitar Babbler, Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler, Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler, Black-streaked Scimitar Babbler, Grey-sided Scimitar Babbler, Black-necklaced Scimitar Babbler Erythrogenys hypoleucos, Erythrogenys erythrogenys, Erythrogenys mcclellandi, Erythrogenys gravivox, Erythrogenys swinhoei, Erythrogenys erythrocnemis
TAX, PHY Genetically distinct from other scimitar babblers in Pomatorhinus; Erythrogenys is split as a separate genus (Reddy & Moyle 2011; Dickinson & Christidis 2014). Note change in gender as it affects some subspecies epithets.
Sphenocichla humei, Sphenocichla roberti Sikkim Wedge-billed Babbler, Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler Stachyris humei, Stachyris roberti
TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to Sphenocichla but that genus is embedded in Stachyris (Moyle et al. 2012).
Family Pellorneidae Ground Babblers   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera in Pellorneidae based primarily on Cai et al. (2019)
Napothera macrodactyla, Napothera atrigularis, Napothera marmorata Large Wren-Babbler, Black-throated Wren-Babbler, Marbled Wren-Babbler Turdinus macrodactylus, Turdinus atrigularis, Turdinus marmoratus
TAX, PHY Move from Napothera to resurrected genus Turdinus. Napothera , as previously defined, is polyphyletic. Separate the genus Turdinus which is a basal clade within Pellorneidae (Cai et al. 2019). Note change in gender.
Alcippe rufogularis, Alcippe brunnea, Alcippe dubia,  Alcippe cinerea,  Alcippe variegaticeps,  Alcippe castaneceps, Schoeniparus klossi Rufous-throated Fulvetta, Dusky Fulvetta, Rusty-capped Fulvetta, Yellow-throated Fulvetta, Golden-fronted Fulvetta, Rufous-winged Fulvetta, Black-crowned Fulvetta Schoeniparus rufogularis, Schoeniparus brunneus, Schoeniparus dubius, Schoeniparus cinereus, Schoeniparus variegaticeps, Schoeniparus castaneceps, Schoeniparus klossi
TAX, PHY Formerly assigned to Alcippe. Move to resurrected genus Schoeniparus which is a distinct clade of fulvettas formerly assigned to Alcippe but genetically widely divergent (Moyle et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2019). Note change in gender.
Malacocincla cinereiceps, Malacocincla malaccensis Ashy-headed Babbler, Short-tailed Babbler Pellorneum cinereiceps, Pellorneum malaccense
TAX, PHY Transfer from genus Malacocincla to Pellorneum (Cai et al. 2019). Note change in  gender.
Trichastoma rostratum,  Trichastoma bicolor, Trichastoma celebense White-chested Babbler, Ferruginous Babbler, Sulawesi Babbler Pellorneum rostratum, Pellorneum bicolor, Pellorneum celebense
TAX, PHY Transfer from genus Trichastoma to Pellorneum (Cai et al. 2019).
Ptyrticus turdinus Spotted Thrush-Babbler Illadopsis turdina TAX, PHY Formerly in monotypic genus Ptyrticus but embedded in Illadopsis. Move to that genus (Moyle et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2019). Note gender ending.
Napothera crassa, Napothera brevicaudata, Napothera crispifrons, Napothera rufipectus Mountain Wren-Babbler, Streaked Wren-Babbler, Limestone Wren-Babbler, Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler Gypsophila crassa, Gypsophila brevicaudata, Gypsophila crispifrons, Gypsophila rufipectus
TAX, PHY Transfer to resurrected genus Gypsophila from Napothera (Cai et al. 2019).
Rimator malacoptilus, Rimator albostriatus, Rimator pasquieri Long-billed Wren-Babbler, Sumatran Wren-Babbler, White-throated Wren-Babbler Napothera malacoptila, Napothera albostriata,  Napothera pasquieri
TAX, PHY Formerly treated in genus Rimator but that genus is merged with Napothera (Cai et al. 2019). Note gender ending.
Jabouilleia naungmungensis,  Jabouilleia danjoui Naung Mung Scimitar Babbler, Short-tailed Scimitar Babbler Napothera naungmungensis, Napothera danjoui
TAX, PHY Formerly treated in genus Jabouilleia but that genus is merged with Napothera (Cai et al. 2019).
Family Alcippeidae Alcippe Fulvettas   TAX, PHY The fulvettas remaining in Alcippe are separated from the ground babblers (Pellorneidae) due to deep genetic divergence as a new family Alcippeidae (Moyle et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2019).
Family Leiothrichidae Laughingthrushes & Allies   PHY, SEQ Revise linear sequence based on Cai et al. (2029).
Ficedula hodgsonii Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula erithacus TAX With transfer of Pygmy Flycatcher M. hodgsoni (Moore, 1854) to Ficedula, the species epithet F. hodgsonii (Verreaux, 1871) previously attributed to this species becomes preoccupied. Change the name to the earliest available species epithet, F. erithacus (Jerdon & Blyth, 1861), not F. sordida (Godwin-Austen, 1874), as explained in David & Bruce (2016).
Muscicapella hodgsoni
Pygmy Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsoni TAX Pygmy Flycatcher is embedded in Ficedula. Move from monotypic genus Muscicapella. (Outlaw & Voelker 2006; Moyle et al. 2015; Hooper et al. 2016).
Family Estrildidae Waxbills, Munias & Allies   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera in Estrildidae primarliy based on Olsson & Alström (2020).
Neochmia ruficauda
Star Finch Bathilda ruficauda TAX, PHY Move from Neochmia to resurrected Bathilda to address the paraphyly of Neochmia s.l. (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Neochmia modesta
Plum-headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta TAX, PHY Move from Neochmia to resurrected Aidemosyne to address the paraphyly of Neochmia s.l. (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Taeniopygia bichenovii Double-barred Finch Stizoptera bichenovii TAX, PHY Stizoptera is resurrected for Taeniopygia bichenovii which is sister to, but phylogenetically divergent from, Taeniopygia guttata (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Odontospiza caniceps Grey-headed Silverbill Spermestes griseicapilla TAX, PHY Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Odontospiza, but the species is deeply basal to the clade consisting of other species in Spermestes and is moved to that genus (Payne 2010; Olsson & Alström 2020). Species epithet returns to griseicapilla from caniceps which is permanently invalid (Dickinson & Christidis 2014)
Lonchura cucullata, Lonchura  fringilloides,  Lonchurabicolor, Lonchura nigriceps Bronze Mannikin, Magpie Mannikin, Black-and-white Mannikin, Red-backed Mannikin Spermestes cucullata, Spermestes fringilloides, Spermestes bicolor, Spermestes nigriceps
TAX, PHY Move from Lonchura to Spermestes (Payne 2010; Olsson & Alström 2020).
Erythrura gouldiae Gouldian Finch Chloebia gouldiae TAX, PHY Monotypic Chloebia is resurrected for Gouldian Finch which is deeply divergent from Erythrura s.s. (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Nesocharis capistrata Grey-headed Oliveback Delacourella capistrata TAX, PHY Delacourella is resurrected for Grey-headed Oliveback which is in a different clade from the other members of Nesocharis
Estrilda charmosyna, Estrilda erythronotos
Black-cheeked Waxbill, Black-faced Waxbill Brunhilda charmosyna, Brunhilda erythronotos
TAX, PHY Brunhilda is resurrected as a genus for these two species formerly in Estrilda but which belong to a clade which is paraphyletic to Estrilda s.s. (Olsson & Alström 2020) .
Estrilda caerulescens, Estrilda perreini,  Estrilda thomensis Lavender Waxbill, Grey Waxbill, Cinderella Waxbill Glaucestrilda caerulescens, Glaucestrilda perreini, Glaucestrilda thomensis
TAX, PHY Glaucestrilda is resurrected as a genus for these three species formerly in Estrilda but which belong to a clade which is paraphyletic to Estrilda s.s. (Olsson & Alström 2020).
Uraeginthus ianthinogaster, Uraeginthus granatinus
Purple Grenadier, Violet-eared Waxbill Granatina ianthinogaster, Granatina granatina
TAX, PHY Move to Granatina from Uraeginthus from which they are deeply divergent (Payne 2010; Olsson & Alström 2020). Note gender ending.
Family Passerellidae New World Sparrows   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence and genera of Passerellidae based primarily on Klicka et al. (2014); SACC 633; NACC 2019-B-9.
Ammodramus leconteii, Ammodramus  Ammodramus maritimius,  Ammodramus nelsoni, Ammodramus caudacutus LeConte's, Seaside, Nelson's and Saltmarsh Sparrows Ammospiza leconteii, Ammosiza maritima, Ammospiza nelsoni, caudacuta


Ammospiza is resurrected for four species in a clade which is sister to Pooecetes. Formerly assigned to genetically distant Ammodramus which would otherwise be polyphyletic (Klicka et al. 2014; NACC 2019-B-9). Note gender.
Ammodramus bairdii, Ammodramus henslowii
Baird's Sparrow, Henslow's Sparrow Centronyx bairdii, Centronyx henslowii
TAX, PHY Centronyx is resurrected for two species in a clade which is sister to Passerculus. Formerly assigned to genetically distant Ammodramus which would otherwise be polyphyletic (Klicka et al. 2014; NACC 2019-B-9).
Pselliophorus tibialis, Pselliophorus luteoviridis
Yellow-thighed (Finch) Brushfinch, Yellow-green (Finch) Brushfinch Atlapetes tibialis, Atlapetes luteoviridis TAX, PHY Formerly included in Pselliophorus, but phylogenetic studies show that Pselliophorus is embedded in Atlapetes. Move to Atlapetes. (Klicka et al. 2014; AOS 2019).
Cyanocompsa cyanoides, Cyanocompsa rothschildii, Cyanocompsa brissonii
Blue-black Grosbeak, Amazonian [Rothschild's] Grosbeak, Ultramarine Grosbeak Cyanoloxia cyanoides, Cyanoloxia rothschildii, Cyanoloxia brissonii
TAX Follows Bryson et al. 2014; SACC 724.
Family Thraupidae Tanagers   TAX, PHY, SEQ Revise sequence generally based on Burns et al. (2016).
Phrygilus fruticeti Mourning Sierra Finch Rhopospina fruticeti TAX Unsettled generic placement. Mourning Sierra Finch is placed in the resurrected, monospecific genus Rhopospina Cabanis, 1851 by Burns et al. (2016) which is followed here, as in Clements. Dickinson & Christidis (2014) include it in a more expansive Rhopospina including the three species treated here as belonging to Porphyrospiza. SACC (730-1) currently retains it in Phrygilus contra the phylogeny of Burns et al. (2014) but "proposal badly needed." Note gender of Rhopospina is feminine.
Phrygilus alaudinus, Phrygilus carbonarius
Band-tailed Sierra Finch, Carbonated Sierra Finch Porphyrospiza alaudina,  Porphyrospiza carbonaria TAX Move from Phrygilus to Porphyrospiza (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730). Note change in gender.
Saltator atricollis Black-throated Saltator Saltatricula atricollis TAX Formerly in the genus Saltator but Black-throated Saltator is sister to Saltatricula multicolor. Burns et al. (2014) proposed merging Saltatricula into Saltator, but the clade composed of these two species is sufficiently divergent from Saltator s.s. that SACC preferred to retain Saltatricula as a separate genus. Move Black-throated Saltator to Saltatricula (SACC 730).
Loxigilla portoricensis, Loxigilla violacea
Puerto Rican Bullfinch, Greater Antillean Bullfinch Melopyrrha portoricensis, Melopyrrha violacea TAX Move from Loxigilla to Melopyrrha (following phylogeny of Burns et al. 2014, 2016 but nomenclature of NACC 2018-C-11).
Tiaris canorus Cuban Grassquit Phonipara canora TAX Move from Tiaris to monospecific Phonipara. Note gender (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; AOS Checklist 60th supplement 2019).
Tiaris bicolor Black-faced Grassquit Melanospiza bicolor TAX Move from Tiaris into Melanospiza . Note gender (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Tiaris fuliginosus, Tiaris obscurus
Sooty Grassquit, Dull-colored Grassquit Asemospiza fuliginosa, Asemospiza obscura TAX Move from Tiaris to newly described genus Asemospiza. Note gender (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Tachyphonus cristatus, Tachyphonus luctuosus, Tachyphonus rufiventer
Flame-crested Tanager, White-shouldered Tanager, Yellow-crested Tanager Loriotus cristatus, Loriotus luctuosus, Loriotus rufiventer TAX Move from Tachyphonus to Loriotus. Loriotus Jarocki, 1821 has precedence over Islerothraupis gen. nov. which Burns et al., 2016 which was proposed for a clade of species formerly assigned to Tachyphonus but which is phylogenetically distinct (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; Piacentini et al. 2019; SACC 836).
Dolospingus fringilloides White-naped Seedeater Sporophila fringilloides TAX White-naped Seedeater was formerly assigned to the monotypic genus Dolospingus which is embedded in Sporophila. Move to Sporophila (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Oryzoborus funereus, Oryzoborus angolensis, Oryzoborus nuttingi, Oryzoborus maximiliani, Oryzoborus crassirostris, Oryzoborus atrirostris
Thick-billed Seed Finch, Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch, Nicaraguan Seed Finch, Great-billed Seed Finch, Large-billed Seed Finch, Black-billed Seed Finch Sporophila funerea, Sporophila angolensis,  Sporophila nuttingi,  Sporophila maximiliani, Sporophila crassirostris, Sporophila atrirostris TAX Oryzoborus is embedded in Sporophila. Move from Oryzoborus to Sporophila (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 604, 730). Note change in gender for subspecies.
Hemispingus verticalis, Hemispingus xanthophthalmus
Black-headed Hemispingus, Drab Hemispingus Pseudospingus verticalis, Pseudospingus xanthophthalmus TAX Move from the dismembered genus Hemispingus to resurrected genus Pseudospingus (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Compsospiza baeri, Compsospiza garleppi
Tucuman Mountain Finch, Cochabamba Mountain Finch Poospiza baeri, Poospiza garleppi
TAX Formerly moved from Poospiza to Compsospiza following Klicka et al. (2007) and SACC 366. Restore to Poospiza following more recent phylogenetic analyses (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Hemispingus goeringi, Hemispingus rufosuperciliaris
Slaty-backed Hemispingus, Rufous-browed Hemispingus Poospiza goeringi, Poospiza rufosuperciliaris
TAX Move from the dismembered genus Hemispingus to Poospiza (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Hemispingus reyi, Hemispingus atropileus, Hemispingus auricularis, Hemispingus calophrys, Hemispingus parodii
Grey-capped Hemispingus, Black-capped Hemispingus, White-browed Hemispingus,  Orange-browed Hemispingus, Parodi's Hemispingus Kleinothraupis reyi, Kleinothraupis atropileus,  Kleinothraupis auricularis, Hemispingus Kleinothraupis, Kleinothraupis parodii TAX Move from the dismembered genus Hemispingus to the newly described genus Kleinothraupis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Hemispingus frontalis, Hemispingus melanotis, Hemispingus ochraceus, Hemispingus piurae
Oleaginous Hemispingus, Black-eared Hemispingus, Western Hemispingus, Piura Hemispingus Sphenopsis frontalis,  Sphenopsis melanotis,  Sphenopsis ochracea, Sphenopsis  piurae TAX Move from the dismembered genus Hemispingus to the resurrected genus Sphenopsis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730). Note gender ending.
Pyrrhocoma ruficeps Chestnut-headed Tanager Thlypopsis pyrrhocoma TAX Formerly in Pyrrhocoma which is embedded in Thlypopsis. Move to that genus. When Pyrrhocoma is merged with Thlypopsis, Pyrrhocoma ruficeps Strickland, 1844, becomes a junior homonym of Thlypopsis ruficeps d’Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837. Change scientific name to Thlypopsis pyrrhocoma Burns, Unitt & Mason, 2016. (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Hemispingus superciliaris Superciliaried Hemispingus Thlypopsis superciliaris TAX Move Hemispingus superciliaris to Thlypopsis. Since Hemispingus superciliaris is the type species for Hemispingus Cabanis, 1861, and with the merging of other Hemispingus species into several other genera, and the first reviser action of Burns et al. (2016), Hemispingus becomes no longer applicable to any thraupid genus in this classification (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730). Note gender ending for subspecies.
Poospiza thoracica Bay-chested Warbling Finch Castanozoster thoracicus TAX Move from Poospiza to newly described genus Castanozoster. Note gender (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Poospiza hypocondria Rufous-sided Warbling Finch Poospizopsis hypocondria TAX Move from Poospiza to resurrected  Poospizopsis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Poospiza caesar Chestnut-breasted Mountain Finch Poospizopsis caesar TAX Poospiza caesar as originally listed was assigned to Poospizopsis, but was subsequenlty included in Poospiza, e.g. Paynter (1970). Recent phylogenetic analyses return it to Poospizopsis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Poospiza lateralis, Poospiza cabanisi, Poospiza erythrophrys, Poospiza alticola, Poospiza torquata, Poospiza melanoleuca, Poospiza cinerea
Buff-throated Warbling Finch, Grey-throated Warbling Finch, Rusty-browed Warbling Finch, Plain-tailed Warbling Finch, Ringed Warbling Finch, Black-capped Warbling Finch, Cinereous Warbling Finch Microspingus lateralis, Microspingus cabanisi, Microspingus erythrophrys, Microspingus alticola, Microspingus torquatus, Microspingus melanoleucus, Microspingus cinereus
TAX Move from Poospiza to resurrected genus Microspingus (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730). Note gender.
Hemispingus trifasciatus Three-striped Hemispingus Microspingus trifasciatus TAX Move from the dismembered genus Hemispingus to Microspingus (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Oreomanes fraseri Giant Conebill Conirostrum binghami TAX Move to Conirostrum. Previously assigned to the monospecific genus Oreomanes as O. fraseri, but Oreomanes is embedded in Conirostrum. When Oreomanes is merged into Conirostrum, Oreomanes fraseri Sclater, 1860 becomes a junior homonym of Conirostrum cinereum fraseri Sclater, 1859 and cannot be used. Oreomanes binghami Chapman, 1919, is the next oldest name available for the species (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Phrygilus plebejus, Phrygilus unicolor
Ash-breasted Sierra Finch, Plumbeous Sierra Finch Geospizopsis plebejus, Geospizopsis unicolor
TAX Move from Phrygilus to resurrected genus Geospizopsis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730). Note gender ending for subspecies.
Phrygilus dorsalis, Phrygilus erythronotus
Red-backed Sierra Finch, White-throated Sierra Finch Idiopsar dorsalis, Idiopsar erythronotus TAX Formerly assigned to Phrygilus. Based on phylogenetic analysis, placed in Ephippiospingus gen. nov. by Burns et al. (2016), but SACC (730) preferred to include it in an expanded Idiopsar. Treatment here follows SACC.
Diuca speculifera White-winged Diuca Finch Idiopsar speculiferus TAX Fomerly assigned to Diuca. Based on phylogenetic analysis, this species is not closely related to Diuca diuca but rather it is closest to Idiopsar brachyurus. Placed in monotypic Chionodacryon gen. nov. by Burns et al. (2016), but SACC (730) preferred to include it in an expanded Idiopsar. Treatment here follows SACC. Note gender.
Thraupis bonariensis Blue-and-yellow Tanager Pipraeidea bonariensis TAX Move from Thraupis to Pipraeidea (Sedano & Burns 2010; Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 437, 730).
Delothraupis castaneoventris Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager Dubusia castaneoventris TAX Formerly assigned to monospecific Delothraupis. With the merger of that genus with Dubusia, move to Dubusia (Sedano & Burns 2010; Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 437, 730).
Thraupis cyanocephala Blue-capped Tanager Sporathraupis cyanocephala TAX Move from Thraupis to resurrected monospecific Sporathraupis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Buthraupis wetmorei Masked Mountain Tanager Tephrophilus wetmorei TAX Formerly in Buthraupis. Move to resurrected monospecific Tephrophilus (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Buthraupis eximia, Buthraupis aureodorsalis
Black-chested Mountain Tanager, Golden-backed Mountain Tanager Cnemathraupis eximia, Cnemathraupis aureodorsalis
TAX Move from Buthraupis to resurrected genus Cnemathraupis (Sedano & Burns 2010; Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 437, 730).
Tangara varia, Tangara rufigula, Tangara punctata, Tangara guttata, Tangara xanthogastra Dotted Tanager, Rufous-throated Tanager, Spotted Tanager, Speckled Tanager, Yellow-bellied Tanager Ixothraupis varia, Ixothraupis rufigula, Ixothraupis punctata, Ixothraupis guttata,  Ixothraupis xanthogastra TAX Move from Tangara to resurrected genus Ixothraupis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).
Tangara ruficervix Golden-naped Tanager Chalcothraupis ruficervix TAX Formerly assigned to Tangara. Move to resurrected monospecific genus Chalcothraupis (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).

Tangara cabanisi, Tangara palmeri
Cabanis's (Azure-rumped) Tanager, Grey-and-gold Tanager Poecilostreptus cabanisi, Poecilostreptus palmeri
TAX Move from Tangara to newly described genus Poecilostreptus (Burns et al. 2016; SACC 730).
Tangara cyanoptera, T. viridicollis, T. phillipsi, T. argyrofenges, T. heinei, T. larvata, T. cyanicollis, T. nigrocincta, T. peruviana, T. preciosa, T. meyerdeschauenseei, T. vitriolina, T. cayana, T. cucullata
Black-headed, Silver-backed, Sira, Straw-backed, Black-capped, Golden-hooded,  Blue-necked, Masked,  Black-backed, Chestnut-backed, Green-capped, Scrub, Burnished-buff, and Lesser Antillean Tanagers. Stilpnia cyanoptera, S. viridicollis,  S. phillipsi, S. argyrofenges, S. heinei, S. larvata, S. cyanicollis, S. nigrocincta, S. peruviana, S. preciosa, S. meyerdeschauenseei, S. vitriolina, S. cayana, S. cucullata TAX Move from Tangara to newly described genus Stilpnia (Burns et al. 2014, 2016; SACC 730).

IOC Version 10.1 (Jan 25, 2020)

Previous Lists

English Name

Updated List (v10.1)



Pternistis spp Francolins, spurfowl Resequence species and subspecies PHY, TAX Classification of spurfowl and francolins revised to follow Mandiwana-Neudani et al. (2019).
Dromas ardeola Crab-plover Resequence to precede Glareolidae PHY, SEQ Molecular data place Crab-plover as relative of coursers and pratincoles (Glareolidae) (Pereira & Baker 2010).
Dupetor flavicollis Black Bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis PHY,TAX Black Bittern Dupetor is embedded within Ixobrychus (Chang et al. 2003, Päckert et al. 2014, Zhou et al. 2014, Huang et al. 2016); delete genus Dupetor.
Meliphagidae Honeyeaters Revised sequence and classification of family PHY, TAX Revise sequence and classification of entire family to follow Andersen et al. (2019).
Melidectes fuscus, princeps, nouhuysi Sooty, Long-bearded, Short-bearded Melidectes [Honeyeaters] Melionyx fuscus, princeps, nouhuysi
TAX, PHY Separate (10.1) the three species in the Melidectes fuscus clade to the genus Melionyx (Andersen et al. 2019).
Melidectes whitemanensis Gilliard's Melidectes [Gilliard's Honeyeater] Vosea whitemanensis TAX, PHY Transfer (10.1) to monotypic genus Vosea (Higgins et al. 2020, Andersen et al. 2019).
Xanthotis provocator Kadavu Honeyeater Meliphacator provocator TAX Kadavu Honeyeater is sister to Foulehaio spp. Reassign from Xanthotis to monotypic Meliphacator Mathews, 1925 (Andersen et al. 2019).
Meliphaga mimikae, montana, orientalis, albonotata, analoga, vicina, gracilis, imitatrix, cinereifrons, flavirictus. Honeyeaters Microptilotis mimikae, montanus, orientalis, albonotatus, analogus, vicina, gracilis, imitatrix, cinereifrons, flavirictus.
TAX, PHY Microptilotis replaces the genus epithet of ten of the species in Meliphaga which becomes restricted to three species (aruensis, lewinii, notata); see Andersen et al. (2019).
Meliphaga albilineata, fordiana, reticulata
White-lined, Kimberley, Streak-breasted Honeyeaters Territornis albilineata, fordiana, reticulata
TAX, PHY Three species separated from Meliphaga by McCullough et al. (2019).
Oriolus species (Oriolidae) Orioles PHY, SEQ Revise species classification to follow Jønsson et al.2019
Heliolais erythropterus Red-winged Warbler Prinia erythroptera PHY,TAX Molecular data indicate that Heliolais is nested within Prinia (Olsson et al. 2013b). Note gender agreement adjustments.
Urorhipis rufifrons Red-fronted Warbler Prinia rufifrons PHY,TAX Molecular data indicate that Urorhipis is nested within Prinia (Olsson et al. 2013b).
Dicaeum melanoxanthum Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker Dicaeum melanozanthum TAX Correct original spelling; Dickinson & Christidis (2014).
Poecile species (Paridae) Chickadees, tits   PHY, SEQ Revised to follow Tritsch et al 2017
 Phylloscopus maforensis  Island Leaf Warbler  Phylloscopus poliocephalus TAX Follows split of Numfor Leaf Warbler; species epithet poliocephalus has priority.

IOC Version 9.2 (June 22, 2019)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v9.2)



Canirallus oculeus (Sarothruridae) Grey-throated Rail Canirallus oculeus (Rallidae) PHY, SEQ Not a flufftail, resequence to base of Rallidae.
Canirallus kioloides Madagascan Wood Rail Mentocrex kioloides  PHY, TAX Separate (9.2) from unrelated Canirallus to Mentocrex
Canirallus beankaensis Tsingy Wood Rail Mentocrex beankaensis PHY, TAX Separate (9.2) from unrelated Canirallus to Mentocrex
Alopecoenas ssp. (hoedtii, jobiensis, kubaryi, erythropterus, xanthonurus, norfolkensis, stairi, sanctaecrucis, ferrugineus, salamonis, rubescens, beccarii, canifrons)
Wetar, White-breasted, White-fronted, Polynesian, White-throated, Norfolk,  Tongan, Santa Cruz, Tanna, Thick-billed,  Marquesan, Bronze, and Palau Ground Doves Pampusana ssp. (hoedtii, jobiensis, kubaryi, erythroptera, xanthonura, norfolkensis, stairi, sanctaecrucis, ferruginea, salamonis, rubescens, beccarii, canifrons)
TAX Pampusana Bonaparte, 1855 has priority over Alopecoenas Sharpe, 1899. Note difference in gender. Bruce et al. 2016.
Eurylaimidae: Philepitta sp., Neodrepanis sp. Asities Philepittidae PHY, TAX Revise (9.2) family taxonomy of broadbills and related asities to follow Moyle et al 2006, H&M4, HBW
Eurylaimidae: Smithornis sp., Calyptomena sp. African and Green Broadbills Calyptomenidae PHY, TAX Revise (9.2) family taxonomy of broadbills and related asities to follow Moyle et al 2006, H&M4, HBW
Suiriri affinis
Chapada Flycatcher Guyramemua affine PHY, TAX Recent phylogenetic studies show that Chapada Flycatcher is not a Suiriri, but rather is sister to Sublegatus. Assigned (9.2) to a gen. nov. Guyramemua which is neuter, requiring agreement in the spelling of the species epithet from affinis to affine. Lopes et al., 2017
Pomarea pomarea Maupiti Monarch Pomarea maupitiensis
TAX Formerly assigned the scientific name P. pomarea which is now treated as as junior synonym of P. nigra as the all black specimen in the originally composite type series upon which P. pomarea was based can be attributed to Tahiti, not Maupiti. P. maupitiensis is based on the pied male of the original composite series which was collected on Maupiti and which is designated as the lectotype for that sexually dichromic species. Dickinson et al 2019.
Incertae sedis: Hylia, Pholidornis Green Hylia, Tit Hylia New Family Hyliidae PHY, TAX Move (9.2) these two enigmatic African warblers from Incertae sedis to their own family Hyliidae, sister to Aegithalidae and Scotocercidae (Oliveros et al 2019).
Incertae sedis: Graueria vittata Grauer's Warbler  Acrocephalidae PHY, TAX Reposition (9.2) enigmatic Grauer's Warbler from Incertae sedis to basal position as sister to other reed warblers (Acrocephalidae) (Oliveros et al. 2019)
Family Psophodidae: Ptilorrhoa spp., Cinclosoma spp. Jewel-babblers, quail-thrushes Family Cinclosomatidae: Ptilorrhoa sp., Cinclosoma sp. PHY, TAX Jewel-babblers and quail-thrushes are sister taxa in the family Cinclosomatidae, not related to whipbirds (Psophodidae) (Norman et al. 2009, H&M4, HBW).
Family Pachycephalidae: Falcunculus  Crested Shriketit Family Falcunculidae  PHY, TAX The Crested Shriketit Falcunculus was a questionable member of Pachycephalidae (Zuccon & Ericson, 2012), separated (9.2) to monotypic family Falcunculidae (H&M4, HBW)
 Colluricincla megarhyncha melanorhyncha Little Shrikethrush Pachycephala melanorhyncha PHY, TAX The endemic Biak Little Shrikethrush C. m. melanorhyncha is a whistler, sister to Pachycephala phaionota (Marki et al. 2018). Move from Colluricincla to Pachycephala. Rename Biak Whistler.
 Eopsaltria georgiana White-breasted Robin  Quoyornis georgianus PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Eopsaltria to monotypic Quoyornis follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Poecilodryas placens

Banded Yellow Robin Gennaeodryas placens PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Poecilodryas to Gennaeodryas follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Peneoenanthe pulverulenta

Mangrove Robin

Peneothello pulverulenta

PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Peneoenanthe to Peneothello follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Poecilodryas albonotata

Black-throated Robin

Plesiodryas albonotata

PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Poecilodryas to Plesiodryas follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Microeca flaviventris

Yellow-bellied Flyrobin

Cryptomicroeca flaviventris

PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Microeca to Cryptomicroeca follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Microeca griseoceps


Yellow-legged Flyrobin

Kempiella griseoceps


PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Microeca to Kempiella follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Microeca flavovirescens


Olive Flyrobin

Kempiella flavovirescens


PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Microeca to Kempiella follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

Microeca papuana

Canary Flyrobin

Devioeca papuana

PHY, TAX Change (9.2) of genus from Microeca to Devioeca follows Christidis et al 2011, H&M4, HBW

IOC Version 9.1 (Jan 20, 2019)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v9.1)



Microcarbo pygmeus Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus TAX Original spelling pygmeus is a misspelled Latin word which requires correction to pygmaeus. See HBW Alive.
Calidris pygmea Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmaea TAX Original spelling pygmea is a misspelled Latin word which requires correction to pygmaea. See HBW Alive, Dickinson, 2015. H&M 4, Corrigenda to Vol. 1.

Dechonychura stictolaema

Spot-throated Woodcreeper

Certhiasomus stictolaemus

TAX, PHY Certhiasomus, a new genus of woodcreeper, is described for D. stictolaema, which is not sister to Long-tailed Woodcreeper. Note gender agreement. (Derryberry et al. 2010, SACC 435)
 Philydor ruficaudatum Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia ruficaudata PHY, TAX Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner is reassigned from Philydor to Anabacerthia. Note gender agreement. Derryberry et al. 2011. SACC 527
 Philydor lichtensteini

Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner

Anabacerthia lichtensteini PHY, TAX Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner is reassigned from Philydor to Anabacerthia (Derryberry et al. 2011, SACC 527).
Simoxenops ucayalae Peruvian Recurvebill Syndactyla ucayalae PHY, TAX Simoxenops, to which the two Recurvebills were formerly assigned, is nested in Syndactyla and is sister to S. guttulata. Simoxenops Is merged into Syndactyla. Note gender agreement. Pérez-Éman et al. 2011, Derryberry et al. 2011, SACC 528.
Simoxenops striata  Bolivian Recurvebill Syndactyla striata PHY, TAX
Hylocryptus rectirostris Henna-capped Foliage-gleaner Clibanornis rectirostris PHY, TAX Formerly assigned to Hylocryptus which is now subsumed within Clibanornis. Molecular studies show that Henna-capped Foliage-gleaner is sister to Canebrake Groundcreeper. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
Hylocryptus erythrocephalus
Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner Clibanornis erythrocephalus PHY, TAX Formerly assigned to Hylocryptus which is now subsumed within Clibanornis. Molecular studies reveal that Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner is sister to Ruddy and Santa Marta Foliage-gleaners which, in turn, are sister to Henna-capped Foliage-gleaner and Canebrake Groundcreeper. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
Automolus rubiginosus
Ruddy Foliage-gleaner Clibanornis rubiginosus PHY, TAX Molecular studies show that Ruddy and Santa Marta Foliage-gleaners are not members of Automolus but are sister to Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner which, in turn, form a clade sister to Henna-capped Foliage-gleaner and Canebrake Groundcreeper. Moved to Clibanornis. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
Automolus rufipectus
Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner Clibanornis rufipectus PHY, TAX Automolus rufipectus was resplit from A. rubiginosus (Ruddy Foliage-gleaner) based on voice and habitat. Krabbe 2008, SACC 394. Moved to Clibanornis based on recent molecular studies. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
 Hyloctistes subulatus Eastern Woodhaunter Automolus subulatus PHY, TAX The woodhaunters were formerly ascribed to Hyloctistes which is shown to be embedded in Automolus based on molecular studies. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
 Hyloctistes virgatus Western Woodhaunter Automolus virgatus PHY, TAX The woodhaunters were formerly ascribed to Hyloctistes which is shown to be embedded in Automolus based on molecular studies. Derryberry et al. 2011, Clarmunt et al. 2013. SACC 601.
 Synallaxis propinqua White-bellied Spinetail Mazaria propinqua PHY, TAX Genus nov. Molecular studies reveal that White-bellied Spinetail is sister to Schoeniophylax. Derryberry et al. 2011. Claramunt 2014, SACC 717.
Siptornopsis hypochondriaca 

Great Spinetail

 Synallaxis hypochondriaca PHY, TAX Formerly ascribed to monotypic genus Siptornopsis, but molecular studies show that Siptornopsis is deeply embedded in Synallaxis. Derryberry et al. 2011. SACC 529.
Gyalophylax hellmayri 

Red-shouldered Spinetail

 Synallaxis hellmayri PHY, TAX Formerly ascribed to monotypic genus Gyalophylax, but molecular studies show that Gyalophylax is deeply embedded in Synallaxis. Derryberry et al. 2011. SACC 529.
Calamanthus pyrropygius Chestnut Heathwren Hylacola pyrropygia PHY, TAX Two Heathwrens (pyrrhopygia, cauta) are moved (9.1) from Calamanthus to new genus Hylacola, with gender corrections (Norman et al. 2018).
Calamanthus cautus Shy Heathwren Hylacola cauta PHY, TAX  
Crateroscelis murina Rusty Mouse-warbler Origma murina PHY, TAX Move (9.1) Rusty Mouse-warbler from Crateroscelis to Origma (Norman et al. 2018)
Crateroscelis robusta Mountain Mouse-warber Origma robusta PHY, TAX Move (9.1) Mountain Mouse-warbler from Crateroscelis to Origma (Norman et al. 2018)
Crateroscelis nigrorufa Bicolored Scrubwren  Aethomyias nigrorufus PHY, TAX Move (9.1) from Crateroscelis to new genus Aethomyias (Norman et al. 2018)
Sericornis citreogularis Yellow-throated Scrubwren Neosericornis citreogularis PHY, TAX Move (9.1) Yellow-throated Scrubwren from Sericornis to new genus Neosericornis (Norman et al. 2018)
Sericornis spp (spilodera, rufescens, perspicillatus, papuensis, arfakianus) Pale-billed Scrubwren, Vogelkop Scrubwren, Buff-faced Scrubwren, Papuan Scrubwren, Grey-green Scrubwren Aethomyias spp (spilodera, rufescens, perspicillatus, papuensis, arfakianus)  PHY, TAX New genus Aethomyias includes 5 species of New Guinea scrubwrens previously in Sericornis (Norman et al. 2018)
Leiothrichidae Laughingthrushes Revise and resquence family PHY, SEQ Revise base on comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Cibois et al 2018.
Crocias langbianis
Grey-crowned Crocias Laniellus langbianis TAX Laniellus Swainson, 1832 replaces Crocias Temminck, 1836 on the basis of priority. Gregory Dickinson 2012b, Dickinson & Christidis, 2014
Crocias albonotatus
Spotted Crocias Laniellus albonotatus TAX Laniellus Swainson, 1832 replaces Crocias Temminck, 1836 on the basis of priority. Gregory Dickinson 2012b, Dickinson & Christidis, 2014
Garrulax striatus

Striated Laughingthrush

Grammatoptila striata PHY, TAX Move Striated Laughingthrush from Garrulax to monotypic Grammatoptila (Cibois et al. 2018)
Minla strigula Bar-throated Minla  Actinodura strigula PHY, TAX Move from Minla to Actinodura (Cibois et al. 2018 Note: Cibois et al. 2018 include in Actinodura, not Chrysominia

Minla cyanouroptera 

Blue-winged Minla Actinodura cyanouroptera PHY, TAX Previously in Minla, Blue-winged Minla is included in Actinodura (Cibois et al. 2018)

Heterophasia annectens

Rufous-backed Sibia Leioptila annectens PHY, TAX Previously in Heterophasia, Rufous-backed Sibia is separated to monotypic Leioptila (Cibois et al. 2018)

 Turdoides spp (15)

Babbler spp (15)  Argya spp (15) PHY, TAX 15 species of Turdoides babblers are separated to the genus Argya (Cibois et al. 2018)

Garrulax cinereifrons

Ashy-headed Laughingthrush

Argya cinereifrons

PHY, TAX Ashy-headed Laughingthrush is moved from Garrulax to new babbler genus Argya (Cibois et al. 2018)

Kupeornis gilberti

White-throated Mountain Babbler

Turdoides gilberti


Move (9.1) Kupeornis babblers (gilberti, rufocinctus, chapini) to Turdoides (Cibois et al. 2018)

Kupeornis rufocinctus

Red-collared Babbler

Turdoides rufocinctus

PHY, TAX See above

Kupeornis chapini

Chapin's Babbler

Turdoides chapini

PHY, TAX See above

Phyllanthus atripennis 

Capuchin Babbler Turdoides atripennis PHY, TAX Move (9.1) Capuchin Babbler from monotypic Phyllanthus to Turdoides (Cibois et al. 2018)

Garrulax spp (8)

Laughingthrush spp Ianthocincla spp (8) PHY, TAX

New genus of laughingthrushes includes 8 species traditionally in Garrulax (Cibois et al. 2018)

Garrulax spp (19), Babax spp (4)

Laughingthrush spp , Babax ssp. Pterorhinus spp (23) PHY, TAX

19 species of traditional Garrulax laughingthrushes and all four members Babax are separated into a new genus Pterorhinus (Cibois et al. 2018)

Chlorocharis emiliae Mountain Blackeye Zosterops emiliae PHY, TAX

Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Chlorocharis Mountain Blackeye is embedded in Zosterops basal to japonicus/montanus group (Lim et al 2018)

Hypogramma hypogrammicum Purple-naped Sunbird Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum. Resequence genus TAX, SEQ Formerly assigned to genus Hypogramma which sadly is preoccupied by a genus within Lepidoptera (Gregory Dickinson 2012b, Dickinson & Christidis, 2014)

Kurochkinegramma  is resequenced as basal member of the spiderhunter (Arachnothera) clade of sunbirds (Campillo et al. 2017, contra Moyle et al. 2011)

IOC Version 8.2 (June 27, 2018)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v8.2)



Heteroglaux blewitti Forest Owlet
Athene blewitti PHY, TAX The critically endangered Forest Owlet is nested within the currently recognized  Athene clade (Koparde et al. 2018)
Ninox superciliaris White-browed Hawk-Owl Athene superciliaris PHY, TAX, ENG White-browed [Hawk-] Owl is a member of the Little Owl (Athene) clade (Koenig and Weick 2008, Koparde et al. 2018)
Prionopidae (Prionops) Helmetshrikes Include in an expanded Vangidae (Vangas and Allies). Treated by some as a subfamily Prionopinae. PHY, TAX Reddy et al. 2012, Jønsson et al. 2012, 2016, Fuchs et al. 2012, H&M4, HBW, TIF
Tephrodornithidae Woodshrikes and Allies Merge Hemipus, Tephrodornis,  and Philentoma with Vangidae PHY, TAX Reddy et al. 2012, Jønsson et al. 2012, 2016, H&M4, HBW
Megabyas flammulatus African Shrike-flycatcher Move from Wattle-eyes and Batises (Platysteiridae) to Vangidae PHY, TAX Reddy et al. 2012, H&M4, HBW
Bias musicus Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher Move from Wattle-eyes and Batises (Platysteiridae) to Vangidae PHY, TAX Reddy et al. 2012, H&M4, HBW
Pityriaseidae Bristlehead Pityriasidae TAX Correct spelling of family name (H&M4)
Campephagidae Cuckooshrikes Revise generic classification of Campephaginae and resequence species PHY, TAX Align with molecular phylogeny of Jønsson et al. 2010
Pericrocotus spp Minivets Resequence PHY, SEQ Move to beginning of family Campephagidae and resequence to follow Jønsson et al. 2010
Lophorina superba Superb Bird-of-Paradise Change in concept.
TAX The species group epithet superba has been traditionally associated with the Lophorina of the Vogelkop Peninsula. However, the type specimen is lost and its taxonomic identity may be controversial. For this reason a neotype has been recently chosen to fix application of superba to the population of Lophorina that Daubenton’s plate 632 in his Planches Enluminées (1765–1781) most closely and most likely depicts: the western cordillera form. Irestedt et al 2017.
Psaltria exilis Pygmy Bushtit Aegithalos exilis PHY, TAX Move Pygmy Bushtit from monotypic Psaltria to Aegithalos (Johansson et al. 2016)
Pycnonotus hualon Bare-faced Bulbul Nok hualon PHY, TAX Assign Bare-faced Bulbul,  sister to Spizixos, to new monotypic genus Nok (Fuchs et al. 2018)
Horornis borealis
Manchurian Bush Warbler Horornis canturians TAX Manchurian Bush Warbler was previously restricted to H. borealis; subspecies canturians was treated provisionally as a subspecies of H. diphone.

New genetic data support original split of Manchurian Bush Warbler, including canturians and borealis from H. diphone (Rasmussen & Anderton 2005, BLI, Kennerley & Pearson, 2010, Alström et al. unpubl). Epithet canturians has priority over borealis as the species epithet.

Locustellidae Grassbirds Revise generic classification PHY, TAX Revise family classification to follow Alström et al. 2018
Cincloramphus (Megalurulus) mariei New Caledonian Thicketbird Cincloramphus mariae TAX Change species epithet from mariei to mariae. Original spelling. Spelling mariei may be an unjustified emendation. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014. HBW.
Seicercus spp Leaf Warblers Phylloscopus spp PHY, TAX Merge polyphyletic Seicercus with Phylloscopus (Alström et al. 2018)
Seicercus affinis White-spectacled Warbler Phylloscopus intermedius TAX Change (8.2) species epithet of White-spectacled Warbler from Seicercus affinis to Phylloscopus intermedius (del Hoyo and Collar 2016, Alström et al 2018)
Phylloscopus davisoni Davison's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus intensior TAX Change species epithet of Davison's Leaf Warbler from P. davisoni to P. intensior with the move of the latter subspecies to Davison's Leaf Warbler. (Del Hoyo and Collar 2016, Alström et al. 2018)
Amaurocichla bocagii Sao Tome Shorttail Motacilla bocagii PHY, TAX The enigmatic Sao Tome Shorttail Amaurocichla bocagii is a wagtail, embedded in the genus Motacilla and sister to M. flaviventris of Madagascar (Johansson et al. 2008, Alström et al. 2015, Harris et al. 2018)
Madanga ruficollis Madanga Anthus ruficollis PHY, TAX  The enigmatic Madanga ruficollis is a pipit, sister to Anthus gutturalis, not a white-eye as previously classified (Alström et al. 2015). Resolve nomenclature conflict with Anthus ruficollis Lesson 1831 (= Anthus cervinus (Pallas))
Montecincla meridionale Ashambu Laughingthrush Montecincla meridionalis TAX Correct gender ending.

IOC Version 8.1 (Jan 25, 2018)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v8.1)



Tadorna radjah Raja Shelduck Radjah radjah PHY, TAX, SEQ Separate Rajah Shelduck from Tadorna to monotypic Radjah. Is paraphyletic in Tadorna relative to Alopochen (Worthy 2009, Gonzalez et al. 2009)
Anous albivittus Grey Noddy Anous albivitta TAX Correct spelling of species epithet. Invariable.
Thamnophilidae Antbirds Resequence family PHY, SEQ Resequence entire family based on recent molecular studies. (Bravo et al. 2012, Ohlson et al 2013, Isler et al. 2013).
Cercomacra tyrannina Dusky Antbird Cercomacroides tyrannina PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Cercomacra laeta
Willis's Antbird Cercomacroides laeta PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Cercomacra parkeri
Parker's Antbird Cercomacroides parkeri
PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Cercomacra nigrescens
Blackish Antbird Cercomacroides nigrescens
PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Cercomacra fuscicauda
Riparian Antbird Cercomacroides fuscicauda
PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Cercomacra serva
Black Antbird Cercomacroides serva
PHY, TAX Move from Cercomacra to gen. nov. Cercomacroides. Tello et al, 2014.
Percnostola lophotes White-lined Antbird Myrmoborus lophotes PHY, TAX Formerly placed in Percnostola but genetic studies show that it is embedded within Myrmoborus. (Isler et al. 2013).
Schistocichla Slate-colored Antbird, Spot-winged Antbird, Humaita Antbird, Brownish-headed Antbird, Rufous-faced Antbird, Roraiman Antbird, Caura Antbird Myrmelastes PHY, TAX Replace Schistocichla with Myrmelastes. Molecular studies indicate that Plumbeous Antbird (formerly included in Myrmeciza) is imbedded within a clade that includes species formerly assigned to the genus Schistocichla. With the revision of the genus Myrmeciza, Myrmelastes Sclater, 1858 becomes the genus appropriately applied to the species formerly assigned to Schistocichla within this revised classifiction since it has precedence over Schistocichla Todd, 1927. Replace Schistocichla with Myrmelastes.  (Isler et al. 2013, SACC 628, H&M4, HBW Alive, Clements 2017).
Myrmeciza disjuncta Yapacana Antbird Aprositornis disjuncta PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to monotypic gen. nov. Aprositornis. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza exsul
Chestnut-backed Antbird Poliocrania exsul PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to monotypic gen. nov. Poliocrania . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza ferruginea Ferruginous-backed Antbird Myrmoderus ferrugineus PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Myrmoderus following Isler et al. 2013, SACC 628, H&M4, HBW Alive, Clements 2017
Myrmeciza ruficauda Scalloped Antbird Myrmoderus ruficauda PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Myrmoderus following Isler et al. 2013, SACC 628, H&M4, HBW Alive, Clements 2017
Myrmeciza loricata White-bibbed Antbird Myrmoderus loricatus PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Myrmoderus following Isler et al. 2013, SACC 628, H&M4, HBW Alive, Clements 2017. Note gender change.
Myrmeciza squamosa Squamate Antbird Myrmoderus squamosus PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Myrmoderus following Isler et al. 2013, SACC 628, H&M4, HBW Alive, Clements 2017. Note gender change.
Myrmeciza laemosticta
Dull-mantled Antbird Sipia laemosticta PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Sipia . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza palliata
Magdalena Antbird Sipia palliata PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Sipia . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza nigricauda
Esmeraldas Antbird Sipia nigricauda PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Sipia . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza berlepschi
Stub-tailed Antbird Sipia berlepschi PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Sipia . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza pelzelni
Grey-bellied Antbird Ammonastes pelzelni PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to monotypic gen. nov. Ammonastes. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza hemimelaena Southern Chestnut-tailed Antbird Sciaphylax hemimelaena PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Sciaphylax. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza castanea Northern Chestnut-tailed Antbird Sciaphylax castanea PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Sciaphylax. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza atrothorax Black-throated Antbird Myrmophylax atrothorax PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Myrmophylax . (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza melanoceps
White-shouldered Antbird Akletos melanoceps PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Akletos. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza goeldii
Goeldi's Antbird Akletos goeldii PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to revived genus Akletos. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza hyperythra
Plumbeous Antbird Myrmelastes hyperythrus PHY, TAX Molecular studies indicate that Plumbeous Antbird (formerly included in Myrmeciza) is imbedded within a clade that includes species formerly assigned to the genus Schistocichla. With the revision of the genus Myrmeciza, Myrmelastes Sclater, 1858 becomes the genus appropriatedly applied to the species within this revised classifiction. Note gender change. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza fortis
Sooty Antbird Hafferia fortis PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Hafferia. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza immaculata
Blue-lored Antbird Hafferia immaculata PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Hafferia. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza zeledoni
Zeledon's Antbird Hafferia zeledoni PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Hafferia. (Isler et al. 2013).
Myrmeciza griseiceps Grey-headed Antbird Ampelornis griseiceps PHY, TAX Move from Myrmeciza to gen. nov. Ampelornis . (Isler et al. 2013).
Gymnopithys salvini
White-throated Antbird Oneillornis salvini TAX Move from Gymnopithys to gen. nov. Oneillornis. Isler, Bravo & Brumfield, 2014.
Gymnopithys lunulatus Lunulated Antbird Oneillornis lunulatus TAX Move from Gymnopithys to gen. nov. Oneillornis. Isler, Bravo & Brumfield, 2014.
Sugomel nigrum Black Honeyeater Sugomel niger TAX Treat Sugomel as masculine. (Christidis & Boles 2008, Schodde in litt. See also LeCroy 2011. Contra Higgins et al 2008, Dickinson & Christidis 2014)
Dicrurus annectans Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectens TAX Original spelling annectans is an incorrectly spelled Latin word and must be emended. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014, HBW.
Phyllergates cuculatus Mountain Tailorbird Phyllergates cucullatus TAX Revert spelling of species epithet to the emended cucullatus. The original spelling with one "l" is an incorrect spelling of a Latin word intended to mean "hooded" as per the French vernacular name in the original description "Orthotome Chaperonné". Dickinson & Christidis 2014, HBW.
Iduna aedon Thick-billed Warbler Arundinax aedon TAX Thick-billed Warbler is a divergent and monotypic associate of the Iduna  reed warblers (Fregin et al. 2009, Arbabi et al. 2014). Genus Arundinax has priority over previously used Phragmaticola.
Heterophasia annectans Rufous-backed Sibia Heterophasia annectens TAX Original spelling annectans is an incorrectly spelled Latin word and must be emended. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014, HBW.
Notopholia corrusca Black-bellied Starling Notopholia corusca TAX Original spelling corruscus is an incorrect Latin word and must be emended. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014, HBW.
Pseudalethe Red-throated, Brown-chested, White-chested and Thyolo Alethes Chamaetylas TAX Replace Pseudalethe Beresford, 2003 with Chamaetylas Heine, 1860 which has priority.
Cyornis pallipes White-bellied Blue Flycatcher Cyornis pallidipes TAX Original spelling pallipes is an incorrectly formed Latin word intended to refer to the pale color of the feet and legs, and must be emended. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014, HBW.
Passer rutilans
Russet Sparrow Passer cinnamomeus TAX Passer cinnamomeus has priority over P. rutilans. Mlíkovský 2011b.
Microligea palustris (Incertae sedis 2) Green-tailed Warbler (Family Uncertain) Hispaniolan Tanagers (Phaenicophilidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Microligea from Family Uncertain/Incertae sedis 2 to new family Phaenicophilidae including Phaenicophilus and Xenoligea  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6) ENG
Xenoligea montana (Incertae sedis 2) White-winged Warbler  (Family Uncertain) Hispaniolan Tanagers (Phaenicophilidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Xenoligea from Family Uncertain/Incertae sedis 2 to new family Phaenicophilidae (together with Phaenicophilus and Microligea  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6) ENG
Zeledonia coronata (Incertae sedis 2) Wrenthrush (Family Uncertain) Wrenthrush (Zeledoniidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Wrenthrush from Family Uncertain/Incertae sedis 2 to new monotypic family Zeledoniidae that follows Spindalidae (Barker et al. 2013,2015; NACC 2017-B-6)
Teretistris spp (Incertae sedis 2) Yellow-headed and Oriente Warblers (Family Uncertain) Cuban Warblers [Teretistridae] PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Cuban Warblers  from Family Uncertain/Incertae sedis 2  to a new  family Teretistridae which follows Zeledonidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Icteria virens (Incertae sedis 2) Yellow-breasted Chat (Family Uncertain) Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteriidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Yellow-breasted Chat from Family Uncertain/ Incertae sedis 2  to a new monotypic family Icteriidae which follows Teretistridae  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6). Note spelling of Icteriidae with double "i", versus Icteridae (Orioles, oropendolas etc)
 Sturnella militaris Red-breasted Blackbird/Meadowlark Leistes militaris  PHY, TAX Neotropical 'meadowlarks' are separated from Sturnella to Leistes (Powell et al. 2014, H&M4, NACC 2017-B-5). Adjust species group names to masculine gender.
Sturnella superciliaris White-browed Blackbird/Meadowlark Leistes superciliaris PHY, TAX
Sturnella bellicosa Peruvian Meadowlark Leistes bellicosus PHY, TAX
Sturnella loyca Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca PHY, TAX
Sturnella defilippii Pampas Meadowlark Leistes defilippii PHY, TAX
Coereba flaveola (Coerebidae) Bananaquit (Bananaquit) Tanagers & Allies (Thraupidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Historical taxonomy unsettled prior to separation as a monotypic family Coerebidae (AOU 1988).  Genetic data position Bananaquit (Coereba) as sister to Tiaris grassquits (Thraupidae) (Burns et al. 2002, 2003; also H&M4, NACC, SACC, HBW)
Passerella et al (Emberizidae) Buntings, New World Sparrows and Allies New World Sparrows  (Passerellidae) PHY, TAX, Separate New World Sparrows from Old World Buntings into new family Passerellidae  incl. Passerella, Melospiza, Zonotrichia, Junco, Passerculus, Ammodramus, Xenospiza, Spizelloides, Spizella, Pooecetes, Chondestes, Amphispiza, Rhynchospiza, Peucaea, Aimophila, Torreornis, Oriturus, Pipilo, Melozone, Arremonops, Arremon, Pezopetes, Atlapetes, Pselliophorus & Chlorospingus  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Porphyrospiza caerulescens (Emberizidae) Blue Finch (New World Sparrows) Thraupidae (Tanagers & Allies) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Porphyrospiza from Emberizidae (Passerellidae) to Thraupidae. Relationships historically uncertain. Genetics align Blue Finch with Sierra Finches (Phrygilus) (Klicka et al 2007, SACC)
Gubernatrix cristata (Emberizidae) Yellow Cardinal (New World Sparrows) Thraupidae (Tanagers & Allies) PHY, TAX, SEQ Yellow Cardinal was traditionally included in Emberizidae, but genetic data place it with tanagers (Thraupidae) next to Paroaria (Campagna et al. 2011, SACC)
Mitrospingus cassinii and M. oleagineus  (Thraupidae) Dusky-faced and Olive-backed Tanagers (Tanagers and Allies) Mitrospingid Tanagers (Mitrospingidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Mitrospingus from Thraupidae to new family Mitrospingidae  which includes Olive-green Tanager (Orthogonys) and Red-billed Pied Tanager (Lamprospiza). Family follows Parulidae (Barker et al. 2013, NACC 2017-B-6) ENG
Orthogonys chloricterus (Thraupidae) Olive-green Tanager (Tanagers and Allies) Mitrospingid Tanagers (Mitrospingidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Orthogonys from Thraupidae to new family Mitrospingidae  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6) ENG
Lamprospiza melanoleuca (Thraupidae) Red-billed Pied Tanager (Tanager and Allies) Mitrospingid Tanagers (Mitrospingidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Lamprospiza from Thraupidae to new family Mitrospingidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6) ENG
Oreothraupis arremonops (Thraupidae) Tanager Finch (Tanager and Allies) Passerellidae (New World Sparrows) PHY, TAX, SEQ Uncertain relationships of Tanager Finch  included  Cardinalidae and then Thraupidae. Genetic data place it in Passerellidae as sister to Chlorospingus (Barker et al 2013, 2015; also H&M4, HBW. SACC needs proposal.
Rhodinocichla rosea (Thraupidae) Rosy Thrush-tanager  (Tanagers and Allies) Thrush-tanager (Rhodinocichlidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Rosy Thrush-tanager from Thraupidae to a new  monotypic family Rhodinocichlidae, which follows Calcariidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6). ENG = lower case 'tanager'
Calyptophilus spp (Thraupidae) Chat-tanagers (Tanagers and Allies) Chat-tanagers (Calyptophilidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Chat-tanagers from Thraupidae to new family Calyptophilidae, which follows Passerellidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Phaenicophilus spp (Thraupidae) Black-crowned and Grey-crowned Tanagers  (Tanagers and Allies) Hispaniolan Tanagers (Phaenicophilidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Hispaniolan Tanagers from Thraupidae to a new family Phaenicophilidae, which follows Calyptophilidae and  which includes Microligea and Xenoligea (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Nesospingus speculiferus (Thraupidae) Puerto Rican Tanager  (Tanagers and Allies) Puerto Rican Tanager (Nesospingidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Puerto Rican Tanager from Thraupidae to new monotypic family Nesospingidae, which follows Phaenicophilidae  (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Spindalis spp (Thraupidae) Spindalis species (Tanagers and Allies) Spindalises (Spindalidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Move Spindalises from Thraupidae to new monotypic family Spindalidae, which follows Nesospingidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).
Chlorospingus flavovirens (Emberizidae/Passerellidae) Yellow-green Bush Tanager (New World Sparrows) Yellow-green Tanager Bangsia flavovirens (Tanagers and Allies) PHY, TAX, SEQ, ENG Previously classified as a Chlorospingus bush tanager in Emberizidae/Passerellidae, genetic data define the renamed Yellow-green Tanager  to be sister to the Blue-and-gold Tanager Bangsia arcaei and related species in the family Thraupidae (Klicka et al. 2014, Avenda et al. 2016). Change English name to Yellow-green Tanager (HBW)

IOC Version 7.3 (July 31, 2017)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v7.3)



Dromaiidae Emus Casuariidae PHY, TAX Christidis & Boles 2008, H&M4, align w consensus
Anas formosa Baikal Teal Sibirionetta formosa PHY, TAX, SEQ Gonzalez et al. (2009), H&M4, NACC 2017-B-10
Anas spp. [discors, cyanoptera, smithii, platalea, rhynchotis, clypeata, querquedula, versicolor, hottentota, puna] Shovelers & teals Spatula spp. [querquedula, hottentota, puna, versicolor, platalea, cyanoptera, discors, smithii, rhynchotis, clypeata] PHY, TAX, SEQ Gonzalez et al. (2009), H&M4, NACC 2017-B-10
Anas spp [strepera,  falcata, sibilatrix, penelope, americana,  marecula] Wigeons Mareca spp [strepera, falcata, penelope, sibilatrix, americana, marecula] PHY, TAX, SEQ Gonzalez et al. (2009), H&M4, NACC 2017-B-10
Scolopacidae Sandpipers Scolopacidae revised) PHY, SEQ

Family Scolopacidae resequenced to follow Gibson and Baker (2012), NACC 2017-A-12

Procelsterna cerulea Blue Noddy Anous ceruleus PHY, TAX Merge Procelsterna into Anous (Cibois et al. 2016)
Procelsterna albivitta Grey Noddy Anous albivittus PHY, TAX Merge Procelsterna into Anous (Cibois et al. 2016)
Sapayoa aenigma (Eurylaimidae) Sapayoa Sapayoa aenigma (Sapayoidae) PHY, TAX, SEQ Sapayoa is the ancient, basal New World branch of the Old World Eurylaimides (Selvatti et al. 2017)
 Micromacronus spp  Miniature babblers Move from Timaliidae to Cisticolidae PHY, TAX, SEQ  Oliveros et al. 2012
 Malia grata Malia Move from Pycnonotidae to Locustellidae PHY, TAX, SEQ  Oliveros et al. 2012
 Arcanatoridae Dapple-throat allies Modulatricidae TAX  Modulatricidae has priority (BLI)
 Plocepasser spp Sparrow-Weavers Move from Passeridae to Ploceidae  PHY, TAX, SEQ  Move genus from Passeridae to Ploceidae (De Silva et al. 2017)
 Histurgops Rufous-tailed Weaver Move from Passeridae to Ploceidae  PHY, TAX, SEQ  Move genus from Passeridae to Ploceidae (De Silva et al. 2017)
 Pseudonigrita Social Weavers Move from Passeridae to Ploceidae  PHY, TAX, SEQ  Move genus from Passeridae to Ploceidae (De Silva et al. 2017)
 Philetairus  Sociable Weaver Move from Passeridae to Ploceidae  PHY, TAX, SEQ  Move genus from Passeridae to Ploceidae (De Silva et al. 2017)

IOC Version 7.2 (April 22, 2017)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v7.2)



Gruidae Cranes Revise genera including recognition of Leucogeranus and Antigone.

Krajewski et al. 2010, H&M4

Aphriza virgata Surfbird Calidris virgata PHY, TAX, SEQ

Surfbird is moved from monotypic Aphriza to Calidris, after Red Knot (Gibson & Baker 2012, Banks 2012)

Philomachus pugnax Ruff Calidris pugnax  PHY, TAX, SEQ Ruff is moved from monotypic Philomachus to Calidris, after Surfbird (Gibson & Baker 2012, Banks 2012)
Limicola falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus PHY, TAX, SEQ

Broad-billed Sandpiper is moved from monotypic Limicola to Calidris, after Ruff.(Gibson & Baker 2012, Banks 2012).

Eurynorhynchus pygmea Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmea PHY, TAX, SEQ

Spoon-billed Sandpiper is moved from monotypic Eurynorhynchus to Calidris (Gibson & Baker 2012, Banks 2012

Tryngites subruficollis Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis

Buff-breasted Sandpiper is moved from monotypic Tryngites to Calidris (Gibson & Baker 2012, Banks 2012)

Terenura callinota Rufous-rumped Antwren

Euchrepomis callinota

PHY, TAX Bravo et al. 2012, SACC 557
Terenura humeralis Chestnut-shouldered Antwren

Euchrepomis humeralis

PHY, TAX Bravo et al. 2012, SACC 557
Terenura sharpei Yellow-rumped Antwren

Euchrepomis sharpei

PHY, TAX Bravo et al. 2012, SACC 557
Terenura spodioptila Ash-winged Antwren

Euchrepomis spodioptila

PHY, TAX Bravo et al. 2012, SACC 557
Iole virescens Olive Bulbul  Iole viridescens TAX


Iole olivacea Buff-vented Bulbul Iole crypta TAX H&M4
Trochalopteron cachinnans Black-chinned Laughingthrush Montecincla cachinnans TAX Reassign from Trochalopteron to genus novum Montecincla. Robin et al 2017.
Trochalopteron fairbanki Kerala Laughingthrush Montecincla fairbanki TAX Reassign from Trochalopteron to genus novum Montecincla. Robin et al 2017.
Myiomela major Nilgiri Blue Robin Sholicola major TAX Reassign from Myiomela to genus novum Sholicola. Robin et al 2017.
Myiomela albiventris White-bellied Blue Robin Sholicola albiventris TAX Reassign from Myiomela to genus novum Sholicola. Robin et al 2017.

IOC Version 7.1 (Jan 8, 2017)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v7.1)



Tyto delicatula Eastern Barn Owl Tyto javanica PHY, TAX Revise subspecies limits. Requires scientific name change. Aliabadian, et al 2016. Revisit English Name?
Pyrocephalus rubinus Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus obscurus PHY, TAX Follows recognition of Scarlet Flycatcher which assumes species epithet rubinus.
Larvivora ruficeps Rufous-headed Robin Resequence to follow L. sibilans PHY L. ruficeps is sister to L. sibilans. Zhao et al 2017

IOC Version 6.4 (Oct 22, 2016)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v6.4)



Cracticus quoyi Black Butcherbird Melloria quoyi PHY, TAX Kearns et al. 2013, H&M4
Sylvia subcaerulea Chestnut-vented Warbler Sylvia subcoerulea TAX Correct original spelling. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Cholornis paradoxa Three-toed Parrotbill Cholornis paradoxus TAX Species group epithet requires gender agreement. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Salpornis spilonotus Indian Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonota TAX Species group epithet is invariable. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Saroglossa spiloptera Spot-winged Starling Saroglossa spilopterus TAX Species epithet is invariable. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Luscinia phoenicuroides White-bellied Redstart Luscinia phaenicuroides TAX Dickinson & Christidis, 2014
Monticola cinclorhynchus Blue-capped Rock Thrush Monticola cinclorhyncha TAX Species epithet is invariable. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Muscicapa ruficauda Rusty-tailed Flycatcher Ficedula ruficauda
PHY, TAX Rusty-tailed Flycatcher is reassigned from Muscicapa to Ficedula based on phylogenetic studies. Voelker, et al 2016, Hooper et al 2016.
Saltator spp (Cardinalidae) Saltators Transfer to Thraupidae PHY, TAX SACC 704 (from incertae sedis)
Saltator rufiventris Rufous-bellied Saltator (Rufous-bellied Mountain Tanager) Pseudosaltator rufiventris PHY, TAX Saltator rufiventris is  related to Dubusia rather than to species of Saltator. New genus described to reflect new relationship. (Klicka et al. 2007, Burns, et al, 2016, SACC 427)

IOC Version 6.3 (July 20, 2016)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v6.3)



Branta, Anser True Geese Resequence PHY, SEQ Ottenburghs et al. 2016
Chen spp Snow Goose, Ross's Goose, Emperor Goose Anser spp. PHY, TAX Ottenburghs et al. 2016
Chen canagica Emperor Goose Anser canagicus TAX Requires change in gender agreement with transfer to Anser from Chen.
Pelecanoides spp Diving Petrels Move genus to Procellariidae PHY, TAX Move diving petrels from Pelecanoididae to Procellariidae, provisionally following genus Puffinus (Christidis & Boles 2008, Cracraft 2013, Prum et al. 2015)
Threskiornis moluccus Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca TAX Species epithet treated as a noun in apposition, thus invariable. Schodde & Bock, 2016.
Porphyrio martinicus Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica TAX Species epithet treated as a noun in apposition, thus invariable.  Schodde & Bock, 2016.
Xenicus lyalli
Lyall's (Stephens Island) Wren Traversia lyalli TAX Lyall's Wren is basal to the other members of Acanthisittidae. Mitchell et al. 2016, Gill et al. 2010.
Pipridae Manakins Revise sequence of genera PHY, SEQ Tello et al. 2009, McKay et al. 2010, Ohlson et al. 2013, SACC 591 B2
Dixiphia pipra White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra TAX Kirwan et al. 2016
Dixiphia cornuta Scarlet-horned Manakin Ceratopipra cornuta TAX SACC 591 B2
Dixiphia mentalis Red-capped Manakin Ceratopipra mentalis TAX SACC 591 B2
Dixiphia chloromeros Round-tailed Manakin Ceratopipra chloromeros TAX SACC 591 B2
Dixiphia erythrocephala Golden-headed Manakin Ceratopipra erythrocephala TAX SACC 591 B2
Dixiphia rubrocapilla Red-headed Manakin Ceratopipra rubrocapilla TAX SACC 591 B2
Xenopipo holochlora Green Manakin Cryptopipo holochlora TAX Ohlson et al. 2013, SACC 591 B2
Xenopipo unicolor Jet Manakin Chloropipo unicolor TAX SACC 591 B2
Xenopipo flavicapilla Yellow-headed Manakin Chloropipo flavicapilla TAX SACC 591 B2
Leptocoma sericea Black Sunbird Leptocoma aspasia TAX LeCroy 2010, Dickinson et al. 2015, Beehler & Pratt 2016.
Ramphocelus bresilius Brazilian Tanager Ramphocelus bresilia TAX Species epithet treated as a noun in apposition, thus invariable.  Schodde & Bock, 2016.

IOC Version 6.2 (Apr 20, 2016)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v6.2)



Egretta intermedia Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia TAX

Move Intermediate Egret from Egretta to Ardea (Sheldon et al. 2000, Zhou et al. 2014)

Picidae (Dendropicini)

Dendrocopos, Picoides, Dendropicos, Veniliornis


Pied woodpeckers Revise generic classification with  6 new  ones (Yungipicus, Dendrocoptes, Leiopicus, Chloropicus, Dryobates, Leuconotopicus) and move Sapheopipo to Dendrocopos) PHY, TAX

Fuchs & Pons. 2015

Synallaxis whitneyi Bahia Spinetail  Synallaxis cinerea  TAX Synallaxis whitneyi Pacheco & Gonzaga is a junior subjective synonym of Synallaxis cinerea Wied (SACC 692)
Zosterops ugiensis Grey-throated White-eye Zosterops rendovae TAX  The use of Z. rendovae Tristram, 1882 rather than Z. ugiensis (Ramsay, EP, 1882) follows Mees, 1955, 1961 and van Balen 2008 (HBW 13). Z. rendovae Tristram, January 1882 is a nomen novum for Zosterops olivaceus (Ramsay, 1881), which is preoccupied, and so rendovae, olivaceus and ugiensis Ramsay, published after January 1882 are all based on the same type specimen. (R. Schodde, in litt).

IOC Version 6.1 (Jan 25, 2016)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v6.1)



Gallinula angulata Lesser Moorhen Paragallinula angulata   TAX García-R et al 2014, Sangster et al. 2015
Gallinula melanops Spot-flanked Gallinule Porphyriops melanops   TAX SACC 651, Sangster et al. 2015
Mascarinus mascarin Mascarene Parrot Mascarinus mascarinus TAX Change species epithet from mascarin to mascarinus to conform with treatment of similarly configured species epithets described in Linnaeus 1771.
Suiriri islerorum Chapada Flycatcher Suiriri affinis  TAX Nomenclatural change required after examination of type series of affinis showed that it is actually referable to Chapada Flycatcher. S. islerorum Zimmer et al 2001, becomes a junior synonym. Kirwan et al, 2014.  SACC 671.
Spiza americana Dickcissel   PHY, SEQ Resequence Spiza as sister to blue cardinals (Cyanocompsa) (Klicka et al. 2000, 2007, Bryson et al. 2014, SACC)
Parkerthraustes humeralis Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak PHY, SEQ Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak is a tanager (Klicka et al. 2007); resequence to end of Thraupidae (SACC 512)

IOC Version 5.4 (Oct 24, 2015)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v5.4)



Puffinus pacificus Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna pacifica  PHY, TAX The genus Puffinus is polyphyletic; separate pacifica, bulleri, grisea, tenuirostris, creatopus, carneipes and gravis to Ardenna (Penhallurick & Wink 2004, Christidis & Boles 2008, H&M4, SACC)
Puffinus bulleri Buller's Shearwater Ardenna bulleri  PHY, TAX
Puffinus griseus Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea  PHY, TAX
Puffinus tenuirostris Short-tailed Shearwater Ardenna tenuirostris  PHY, TAX
Puffinus creatopus Pink-footed Shearwater Ardenna creatopus  PHY, TAX
Puffinus carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater Ardenna carneipes  PHY, TAX
Puffinus gravis Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis  PHY, TAX
Dryocopus galeatus Helmeted Woodpecker Celeus galeatus  PHY, TAX Benz et al.. 2015, Lammertink et al. 2015
Petroica multicolor Pacific Robin Petroica pusilla TAX Species epithet pusilla has priority with split of Norfolk Robin (P. multicolor)
Leucosticte sillemi Sillem's Mountain Finch Carpodacus sillemi PHY, TAX Sangster et al. 2016

IOC Version 5.3 (July 22, 2015)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v5.3)



Canirallus sp  African Wood Rails Move from Rallidae to Sarothruridae PHY, TAX

Canirallus rails are sister to flufftails (Sarothrura) (Garcia et al 2014)

Ectopistes migratorius Passenger Pigeon Resequence genus to follow Zentrygon PHY, SEQ

Johnson & Weckstein 2011, Banks et al 2013

Zenaida spp Doves Resequence genus to follow Zentrygon /Ectopistes PHY, SEQ

Johnson & Weckstein 2011, Banks et al 2013

Geotrygon veraguensis Olive-backed Quail-Dove Leptotrygon veraguensis PHY, TAX

Leptotrygon is a new genus  for veraguensis which is more closely related to Leptotila than to Geotrygon (Banks et al 2013).

Geotrygon spp (8) Quail-Doves Zentrygon  (carrikeri, costaricenis, lawrencii, albifacies, frenata, linearis, chiriquensis, goldmani) PHY, TAX, SEQ

Zentrygon is a new genus  for the clade of quail-doves that are related to Zenaida doves (Johnson & Weckstein 2011, Banks et al, 2013).

Gallicolumba spp (12) Ground Doves Alopecoenas  spp PHY, TAX

Gallicolumba is biphyletic, with a Philippine radiation and a Pacific radiation related to Leucosarcia, Geopelia and the Australian bronze pigeons; restore Alopecoenas for members of the Pacific radiation (Jønsson et al 2011, Moyle et al 2013). Genus is masculine, adjust gender of subgeneric taxa to agree.

Psittaciformes Parrots Revise classification and sequence of genera PHY, TAX

Joseph et al 2012, H&M4

Psittacidae Parrots Separate Old World Parrots to Family Psittaculidae PHY, TAX

Joseph et al 2012, H&M 4

Psephotus spp (4) Mulga Parrots  Psephotellus spp (4) PHY, TAX

Separate Mulga Parrot and allies from Psephotus to Psephotellus (Joseph et a 2012)

Chalcopsitta cardinalis Cardinal Lory  Pseudeos cardinalis PHY, TAX

Cardinal Lory is sister to Dusky Lory; move to Pseudeos from Chalcopsitta (Schweitzer et al 2015)

Dryocopus schulzi Black-bodied Woodpecker Dryocopus schulzii TAX

Usually given as schulzi and dated to 1883, but species epithet with "ii" ending was previously published in 1882 by Cabanis. Zoonomen.

Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii Des Murs's Wiretail Sylviorthorhynchus desmurii TAX

Correct original spelling. Zoonomen. Dickinson & Christidies, 2014.

Hylophilus sclateri Tepui Greenlet Vireo sclateri PHY, TAX

Slager et al 2014, SACC 655; also change English name to Tepui Vireo

Madanga ruficollis Madanga Move from Zosteropidae to Motacillidae. PHY, SEQ

Madanga is a pipit (Anthus), not a white-eye! (Alström et al 2015)

Buphagus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus TAX

Conventionally spelled erythrorhynchus, but erythrorynchus is the correct original spelling. Zoonomen.

Vestiaria coccinea Iiwi Drepanis coccinea PHY, TAX

NACC 2015-B-3c

Manucerthia mana Hawaii Creeper Loxops mana TAX

NACC 2015-B-3b

Spizella arborea American Tree Sparrow Spizelloides arborea PHY, TAX

NACC 2015-A-6

IOC Version 5.2 (April 23, 2015)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v5.2)



Megalaima spp Asian Barbet spp Psilopogon spp PHY, TAX

Genus Psilopogon takes precedence over Megalaima and must be used given that Fire-tufted Barbet is imbedded in the latter as sister to Great Barbet (Moyle et al 2004, H&M4). Genus Psilopogon is masculine, requires change of gender ending for many taxa.

Gerygone cinerea Ashy Gerygone Acanthiza cinerea PHY, TAX

Ashy Gerygone is a member of the genus Acanthiza and sister to Yellow Thornbill A. nana (Nyári & Joseph 2012). Change English name to Grey Thornbill (Pratt & Beehler 2015).

 Chelidorhynx hypoxantha Yellow-bellied Fantail Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus TAX Correct gender ending. David et al, 2009b.
Spinus sp.   TAX Correct gender ending of eight affected species to masculine. Overlooked when Spinus was split from Carduelis.

IOC Version 5.1 (Jan 15, 2015)

Previous List

English Name

Updated List (v5.1)



Hydrobatidae Storm Petrels Hydrobatidae [Northern Storm Petrels]; Oceanitidae [Austral Storm Petrels]  PHY, SEQ The Oceanitidae and  Hydrobatidae are not sister taxa (Nunn & Stanley 1998; Penhallurick & Wink 2004, Hackett et al. 2008). Resequence to Oceanitidae, Diomedeidae, Hydrobatidae, Procellariidae.
Damophila julie Violet-bellied Hummingbird Juliamyia julie TAX Damophila is preoccupied in Lepidoptera.
Muscicapa latirostris Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa dauurica TAX Correct the correction. See Dickinson et al 2014
Lemuresthes nana
Madagascan Mannikin Lepidopygia nana TAX Formerly placed in Lemuresthes Wolters, 1949, but Lepidopygia Reichenbach, 1862 is available. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.
Ptiloxena atroviolaceus Cuban Blackbird Ptiloxena atroviolacea TAX Genus is treated as feminine. Dickinson & Christidis, 2014.


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