English Names 4.1 to 4.4

We appreciate the many constructive comments  received, and  we will continue to revisit problematic English names on a case by case basis. We also refine and adjust English names with changes of species taxonomy.

IOC Version 4.4 (Oct 31,2014)


Previous IOC Lists

Scientific Name

IOC List v4.4


 38 Clapper Rail Rallus longirostris Mangrove Rail Rename with restriction of R. longirostris to SA ssp longirostris,, phelpsi, margaritae, pelodramus, cypereti and crassirostris; Assign previous English name Clapper Rail to Rallus crepitans of eastern North America (Maley & Brumfield 2013, NACC 2014-A-5)
86 Blue-eared Barbet Megalaima australis Yellow-eared Barbet English name of M. australis  follows HBW/BLI after split of M. duvaucelii
118 Lineated Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes albolineatus Guianan [Lineated] Woodcreeper Rename following splits of Duida, Inambari, Rondonia, and Layard’s woodcreepers (4.3)
 199 Baywing Agelaioides badius Greyish Baywing Change English name of Agelaioides badius to Greyish Baywing with split of Pale Baywing

IOC Version 4.3 (July 31,2014)


Previous IOC Lists

Scientific Name

IOC List v4.3


 111  Upper Magdalena Tapaculo  Scytalopus rodriguezi  Magdalena Tapaculo  SACC 614
 119 MacGregor’s Bowerbird  Amblyornis macgregoriae Macgregor’s Bowerbird Orthography of name follows that used by De Vis in the original description and aligns with Beehler and Pratt (in press)
 122 MacGregor’s Honeyeater  Macgregoria pulchra Macgregor’s Honeyeater Orthography of name follows that used by De Vis in the original description.
 211 Southern Yellow Grosbeak  Pheucticus chrysogaster  Golden Grosbeak  Aligns with SACC 625 (previously Golden-bellied Grosbeak)
 211 Mexican Yellow Grosbeak  Pheucticus chrysopeplus  Yellow Grosbeak  Aligns with AOU/NACC

IOC Version 4.2 (Apr 15, 2014)


Previous IOC Lists

Scientific Name

IOC List v4.2


63 Long-tailed Cuckoo Urodynamis taitensis Pacific Long-tailed Cuckoo Restore adjective vis a vis African Cercococcyx spp
78 Bearded Helmetcrest Oxypogon guerinii Green-bearded Helmetcrest Follows split of Blue-bearded, White-bearded, and Buffy Helmetcrests (Collar & Salaman 2013, SACC 609)
 85 Whitely’s Toucanet Aulacorhynchus whitelianus  Tepui Toucanet SACC 520.
105 Eastern Sirystes Sirystes sibilator Sibilant Sirystes Follows split into three species
107 Stipple-throated Antwren Epinecrophylla haematonota Napo Stipple-throated Antwren Follows split into three species
159 Spotted Wren-Babbler Elachura [Spelaeornis] formosa ‘Spotted’ Elachura Separate from Spelaeornis wren-babblers (Timaliidae) to unrelated, monotypic family (Alström et al 2014)

IOC Version 4.1 (Jan 30, 2014)


Previous IOC Lists

Scientific Name

IOC List v4.1


54 Short-billed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo  Restore traditional name with patronym following Pizzey & Knight, Birds Australia and others.
54 Long-billed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin’s Black Cockatoo  Restore traditional name with patronym following Pizzey & Knight, Birds Australia and others.
102 Andean Tyrant Knipolegus signatus Jelski’s Black Tyrant  Follows split of Plumbeous Tyrant
110 Bicolored Antbird Gymnopithys leucaspis White-cheeked Antbird Change English name of Gymnopithys leucaspis to White-cheeked Antbird with split of G. bicolor.
126 Angola Batis Batis minulla Angolan Batis  Correct to adjectival form
136 Fatuhiva Monarch Pomarea whitneyi Fatu Hiva Monarch  Official spelling of the island is two words.
144 Angola Swallow Hirundo angolensis Angolan Swallow  Correct to adjectival form
145 Angola Lark Mirafra angolensis Angolan Lark  Correct to adjectival form
175 Angola Cave Chat Xenocopsychus ansorgei Angolan Cave Chat  Correct to adjectival form
178 Angola Slaty Flycatcher Melaenornis brunneus Angolan Slaty Flycatcher  Correct to adjectival form
194 Caucasian Great Rosefinch Carpodacus rubicilla Great Rosefinch  Removed adjective follows inclusion of Spotted Great Rosefinch
194 Stresemann’s Rosefinch Carpodacus waltoni (not eos) Pink-rumped Rosefinch  Retains association of  “Stresemann” with previous species name eos